stupid question...


what, in detail, exactly is Ni... i've been doing research on Jungian cognitive functions and all i can seem to find is like a brief three sentence description. however, in the context that it is used in this forum, Ni seems to have so much more breadth and depth than just
Ni is the creation of mental imagery independent of outer stimuli. Ni generates abstract structural images of a given problem domain that a person can view from different points of view at will. Ni focuses on the structure of things from a timeless point of view.
Introverted iNtuiting involves synthesizing the seemingly paradoxical or contradictory, which takes understanding to a new level. Using this process, we can have moments when completely new, unimagined realizations come to us. A disengagement from interactions in the room occurs, followed by a sudden
Well, for myself, I have always known somehow what I must do and when I must do it. A good example is when I was pregnant with my first daughter, and I was presenting atypically, with a condition called H.E.L.L.P. syndrom (Highly Elevated Liver and Low Platelettes) or simply put, pre-eclampsia. A dangerous condition that can kill a mother. Basically, an expecting woman with this condition, retains a ton of water, gets headaches and high bloodpressure. I only displayed seeing lights (high bloodpressure), but was always within a normal range when checked. To make an even longer story short, I knew when it was within hours of the safety of my life, to keep my first child inside. She was almost a month early, and only 5 and a half pounds. She was in an incubator for a long time, but she was fine. During my delivery though, the Dr. took my my husband (at the time) outside the room, and showed him a form that he may have to sign during the birth. The form was of wherather he wanted them to save the mother or child, because I was that sick. I knew it, but I also knew my baby was needing to be in me for as long as possible, to get the best chance at life outside me.

Many other times throughout my life, even during most days of the same old routine, I usually find amazing connections that teach me new information about myself, or others around me. Even at times, for others who are far away. There have been times I have had certain members on this forum, come to mind, and as soon as I get home, I PM them to check if they're ok. They have done this with me also, and it's amazing how often it's totally true. It's like I just get a powerful thought, and it just doesn't leave. Then I see things around me, like hints etc. that speak to me of the thought, like compounding evidence, and I just know something is up, lol
Ni means Introverted Intuition.

"Introverted iNtuition is a personality function that constantly gathers information, and sees everything from many different perspectives. ... Introverted iNtuition is sort of like a framework for understanding that exists in the mind. As something is perceived, it is melded into the existing intuitive framework. If an entirely new piece of information is perceived by the Introverted iNtuitive, that person must redefine their entire framework of reference." -

So Ni is taking information from the environment and applying it to a framework of understanding. It also means that we focus our intuition inwards on ourselves, and are interested in figuring ourselves out.

"Introverted iNtuition
- Foreseeing implications, conceptualizing, and having images of the future or profound meaning. Introverted iNtuiting often involves a sense of what will be. The details might be a little fuzzy, but when you tune in to this process, there is some sense of how things will be. Using this process, we often are able to get pictures about the future or at least a sense of what will happen before we have any data. Sometimes it is an awareness of what is happening in another location and we have no sensory data to go on. Other times introverted iNtuiting operates when we conceptualize and get a sense of a whole plan, pattern, theory, or explanation. These are the kinds of images that come to us in the shower, in meditative states, or in dreams and help us deeply understand something. Sometimes they are profoundly symbolic and even universally so. In using this process, we tune into a likely future or something universal. This information can then be used to decide what to do next, what to plan for.[...]"

The second description you posted seems to be an expanded version of the second half of this description (which I didn't include, for obvious reasons).

Anyway, my understanding of Ni is that it's a perceiving process that takes in information from the world, finds the pattern within it, and then uses that pattern to make a prediction about how things will develop in the future. Because
intuitive processes are unconscious ones Ni often presents this prediction in the form of symbolic imagery and metaphors.
I read something along the following lines about Ne and Ni, and it kinda cleared it up for me.

Extroverted Intuition - Being able to see a lot of possibilities that could be started, given an initial starting point. Ne with legos may see them as possibly being a house, castle, horse stables, etc.

Introverted Intuition - Being able to see a specific end and how to achieve it given an initial starting point. Ni with legos will say "A castle with a rectangular courtyard leading into the throne room with barracks on the left and spires at the front two corners with holes to fire arrows through."

Ne is lightning scattering from an initial point, Ni is a lightning bolt from an initial point to one specific ending point.

At least that's what I think.

I read something along the following lines about Ne and Ni, and it kinda cleared it up for me.

Extroverted Intuition - Being able to see a lot of possibilities that could be started, given an initial starting point. Ne with legos may see them as possibly being a house, castle, horse stables, etc.

Introverted Intuition - Being able to see a specific end and how to achieve it given an initial starting point. Ni with legos will say "A castle with a rectangular courtyard leading into the throne room with barracks on the left and spires at the front two corners with holes to fire arrows through."

Ne is lightning scattering from an initial point, Ni is a lightning bolt from an initial point to one specific ending point.

At least that's what I think.


Here is a summary of this.

Ne is divergent
Ni is convergent