

Socionics isn't the same as the MBTI, although it's based on Jung's psychological functions. Some say that the types are the same, except the IN_p types in socionics are IN_j types in the MBTI and that IN_js are IN_Ps. I don't think it's that simple. I think that there is a rough correlation between MBTI and socionics types, but there isn't a one-to-one mapping between the two systems. In other words, a socionics INTj would normally be an MBTI ENTJ, INTJ, INTP, ISTJ, etc., but not an INTP for sure.

I think the system has some merit, but I don't agree with the notion of visually typing someone; it's simply too inaccurate.

In case you're totally in the dark, here are some websites to "enlighten" you:

So, what's your socionics type, and/or what do you think of the system?

jason_m said:
I don't agree with the notion of visually typing someone; it's simply too inaccurate.

That's my opinion. MBTI is far more accurate.
jason_m said:
I don't agree with the notion of visually typing someone; it's simply too inaccurate.
I've looked a hell of a lot different from myself these past 5 years, i've changed body types, fitness levels, from fit to fat to fit to fat, everything about me constantly changes... yet i've the same personality.
blackbird said:
Even though I'm not a big fan of Socionics, I do like the idea of subtypes.

When I took this Short Socionics Test I come out as INFp or INFj, both with an N subtype.
Goddam I got INTP again! At least with Socionics it looks right :D

It said ENTj, N subtype OR INTj, N subtype.

So what the hell is a subtype?

Yeah so the visual stuff doesn't compute with me.
Lurker said:
So what the hell is a subtype?


ILI/INTp Subtypes

LII/INTj Subtypes

I'm not sure which fits me better:

IEI/INFP Subtype
Intuitive subtype: (The Idealist)

(Valentine Meged & Anatoly Ovcharov) The intuitive subtype appears as a quiet, tactful, languid and diffident individual. They seem torn off from reality, inert and poorly adapted to life. However, such impressions are erroneous, for they possess a fine intuition, which aids them in establishing useful connections and obtaining support from influential people. Seem externally serene but sentimentally are disposed to experience moodiness and bouts of melancholy. While their voice at times seems monotonous they often induce a light surprise, even full interest, from the interlocutor. Outwardly are pensive, slightly strained/intense.. Prone to emanate sadness masked in sardonic irony. Speech is measured, smooth and intimately heart-felt. On their face they almost constantly exude a polite half-smile that easily wins people’s trust. Gestures are modest, shy. Gait is ponderous, elegant.


EII/INFj Subtype

Intuitive subtype: (The Teacher)

(Valentine Meged & Anatoly Ovcharov) The intuitive subtype is emotional and strict, yet shows kindliness, goodwill and affability toward those with whom they sympathize and hold in good esteem. Sometimes like to joke, they try not to speak with people about unpleasant things but will at times feel forced to state their disagreement/indignation or risk feelings of regret at a later time. Serious and scrupulous, approach others when they feel needed/useful. Internally nervous, sensitive and vulnerable despite their attempts to hide it. Have good figurative and creative abilities and are able to interpret various symbols, dreams and mystical images. Like to use their knowledge to advise and edify, but only in a narrow social circle; prefer to maintain an air of modesty and subtlety. Dresses simply, adhering to classical style, often conservatively; not prone to notable gesticulating while conversing. Speech is emotional yet restrained, their voice is often instructive. Often has a disproportionate figure, especially if prone to corpulence; meanwhile gait may be plain, clumsy and/or classy (though restrained).

If I am honest with myself, I relate better to the INFj N-subtype which correlates (supposedly) to the FiNe INFP (MBTI). :?