Socionics isn't the same as the MBTI, although it's based on Jung's psychological functions. Some say that the types are the same, except the IN_p types in socionics are IN_j types in the MBTI and that IN_js are IN_Ps. I don't think it's that simple. I think that there is a rough correlation between MBTI and socionics types, but there isn't a one-to-one mapping between the two systems. In other words, a socionics INTj would normally be an MBTI ENTJ, INTJ, INTP, ISTJ, etc., but not an INTP for sure.
I think the system has some merit, but I don't agree with the notion of visually typing someone; it's simply too inaccurate.
In case you're totally in the dark, here are some websites to "enlighten" you:
So, what's your socionics type, and/or what do you think of the system?
I think the system has some merit, but I don't agree with the notion of visually typing someone; it's simply too inaccurate.
In case you're totally in the dark, here are some websites to "enlighten" you:
So, what's your socionics type, and/or what do you think of the system?