Self actualization | INFJ Forum

Self actualization


Sep 5, 2009
Inspired by thread on "Mediocrity"

What is self actualization?

Is it important to you?

Do you think it should be important to everyone?

Should personal contentment with the way things are or what we have accomplished, although mediocre or minimal, be acceptable?
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When u are self actualized, is it all downhill from there?
Inspired by thread on "Mediocrity"

What is self actualization?
Is it important to you?
Do you think it should be important to everyone?
Should personal contentment with the way things are or what we have accomplished, although mediocre or minimal, be acceptable?

I had to think about this one for a while [MENTION=1669]Ame[/MENTION]. Very good question, made me question some of my own perceptions.

Self actualization in it's dictionary definition is defined as "the realization of ones talents and potentialities, considered a drive or need present in everyone."

With that in mind, I would have to say that to me self actualization is important although not always obtainable. I don't know how many people actually realize their full potential. I'm not sure if human beings realize their full potential as a species.

When you take into consideration that every persons talents and potential are different, I would have to say that most if not all people possess the drive for self actualization. For some people this may be picking up a fork, for others it may be getting out of a negative situation, and still others it may mean being a gifted musician, healer, etc. Realizing ones full potential also involves a degree of surmounting obstacles, which everyone faces. So self actualization seems to be linked to environment. I'm not an expert on this subject, I only know my experience.

I think contentment is a different subject altogether. I mean there are some things in life that I am content with but I don't know if I would say they are mediocre or minimal. Sometimes it's a matter of weighing in all the variables. I'll have to get back to you about the contentment vs. mediocrity part. I'm still grappling with some of that in my life. Reminds me of the serenity prayer;

God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
What is self actualization?
The conversion of potential into actuality. It is more about one's abilities than about achievements.
But I suspect that the term 'self actualisation' is just a gimmick for people to convince themselves they are actually achieving something, when in fact they are just allowing themselves to fantasize about themselves.

Is it important to you?
No - I am more focused on achievements in terms of their accomplishment, than in terms of my ability to enact them.

Do you think it should be important to everyone?
No - there are enough narcissists in the world already.

Should personal contentment with the way things are or what we have accomplished, although mediocre or minimal, be acceptable?
Yes - the goal of self-actualisation should be to achieve contented peace.
Self actualization in terms of maslows heirachy of needs means having every need taken care of before you can do altruistic things like giving back. I can do deeds for others without having even my lowest needs met so I dont know how important that whole heirarchy is. I know i need to make progress, or to grow in consciousness to be happy, and I know there is no end to this growth, so yes it is important to me.

I think the world would be a better place if people grew in consciousness but I think a lot of people are unaware or happy with the status quo, in which case I am happy for them.
I found Maslow's test on the net to determine how self-actualized you are. I don't know how accurate it is, but it's kind of fun and interesting. Rate yourself on a scale from 1 -10 then add up your score. The goal is to understand your weak points and help people work towards realizing their personal potential (self-actualization).

1) The self-actualized person has more efficient perception of reality and more comfortable relations with it. He can accept the good and the bad, the highs and the lows, and he can tell the difference.
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2) Acceptance of self, others, and nature. The self-actualizing person sees reality as it is and accepts responsibility for it. He is as objective as a subjective being can be in his perceptions.
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3) The self-actualizing person has spontaneity, simplicity and naturalness. In other words, this kind of person is not hung up on being as others think he should be. He is a person who is capable of doing what feels good and natural for himself simply because that’s how he feels. He does not try to hurt others, but he has respect for what is good himself.
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4) Problem Centering. The self-actualizing person is someone who is generally strongly focused on problems outside of himself. He is concerned with the problems of others and the problems of society, and is willing to work to try to alleviate those difficulties.
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5) The quality for detachment, the need for privacy. For all his social mindedness, the self-actualizing person has a need to be by himself or a need for solitude. He enjoys times for quiet reflection and doesn’t always need people around him. He can be with the few people that he would be close to and not need to communicate with them. Their presence is sufficient in and of itself.
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6) Autonomy, independence of culture and environment. The self-actualizing person is capable of doing things for himself and making decisions on his own. He believes in who and what he is.
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7) Continued freshness or appreciation. The self-actualizing person experiences a joy in the simple and the natural. Sunsets are always beautiful and he seeks them out. He can still enjoy playing the games he played as a child and having fun in some of the same ways he did many years before.
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8) The mystic experience, the peak experience. Self-actualizing people usually have experiences in which they literally feel they are floating. They feel very much in tune or at one with the world around them, and almost feel as if they are, for a momentary period in time, part of a different reality.
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9) A feeling of togetherness. Self-actualizing people have a feeling for all of mankind. They are aware and sensitive to the people that are about them.
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10) Interpersonal relations. Self-actualizing people have deeper and more profound interpersonal relations than other adults. They are capable of fusion, greater love and more perfect identification that other people could consider possible. They generally tend to have relatively few friends, but those relationships are deep and very meaningful.
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11) The democratic character structures. Self-actualizing people tend to believe in the equal nature of human beings, that every individual has a right to say, and that each person has his strengths and each person has his weaknesses.
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12) Discriminating between means and ends, between good and evil. Self-actualizing people know the difference between means and ends and good and evil and do not twist them in a way that hurt themselves or others.
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13) Philosophical and unhostile sense of humor. Self-actualizing people tend to enjoy humor. They like to laugh and like to joke, but not at the expense of others. They are generally seen as good natured, even though they are capable of being very serious.
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14) Creativeness. Self-actualizing people are capable of being highly creative. Creativeness can be expressed in many dimensions by writing, speaking, playing, fantasies, or whatever, but self-actualizing do have moods of being creative. Maslow has said that a first-rate cook is better than a second-rate painter. Hence, creativeness can be expresses in many dimensions.
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15) Resistance to inculturation, the transcendence of any particular culture. Maslow feels that the individual is above his culture in some way, that he maintains a strong individuality and is not so absorbed that he cannot evaluate the culture objectively in such a way that he can make decisions about what is best for him and those he cares about .
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16) The imperfections of self-actualizing people. Self-actualizing people are individuals who are aware of the fact that they are not perfect, that they are as human as the next person, and that there are constantly new things to learn and new ways to grow. The self-actualizing person, although comfortable with himself, never stops striving.
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There are definitions available about self actualization ...
I am self actualised now, it was never important to me before... How about you, Cedar? Is Self Actualisation important to you?
I do not mind, each can have their own preference about it...
(There is no mediocrity in one's doing - one responds or reacts to a situation - 'mediocre' is only a definition of someone's perception) What one has accomplished is in the past, one can choose to learn from it, everything is changing and so is one and one's abilities, inclinations... contentment is about being peaceful with what 'is' now...
[MENTION=731]UBERROGO[/MENTION] It is a beautiful journey - realising oneself... once self actualised (self realised), one continues to live aware of themselves and their surroundings - alive and abundant... It is a beautiful place to be...
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To complete yourself.......I dont see how self actualization as something mean, beacuse we never become complete, der alway rooooom for progress.