Rant in the phrygion mode about an ignornant flag waver | INFJ Forum

Rant in the phrygion mode about an ignornant flag waver


Sep 15, 2011
heard this asshole talking, in public, about the difference between muslim groups and muslim extremist groups, and how either way, they are the cancer, they are destroying us, i always thought that at the very least, they were the antibodies, but...

side note, i think ignorance shows itself in the accent.

anyway, this belligerent bastard says that the difference between the two are damn similar to say baptists and mormons, and, i guess he had a point, in that one group really, truly wants that harem of untouched pussy.

so, like the sarcastic prick that i am to anyone preaching hate that isn't mine, said

"oh, i always thought that the extremist groups had an insane amount of natural mountain dew reserves."

he didn't like that much.

listen, if you're going to identify with your country so much that ignorance is acceptable, that you hold any sort of nationalism, than i can assume that you're a sports fan.

only a sports fan could take a vehement side with an organization that it isn't in any way shape or form associated, a group that is selling you shit with their logo.

still they say 'we'.

"but brown person, how can you say that, they're just having fun, rooting for their home team."

and i would say to that,

"i grew up in bum fuck south dakota, population five hundred, plus fifty to a hundred heathens that didn't get wiped out in the genocide of the prairie niggers, a town so small that it looks like a speck of dust or an atom when compared to the visual bacteria that is a major city, and in that god forsaken town, i witnessed multitudes of people talking about "we" and how this fictional "we" would win a game.

now, i'd understand if my state had a legitimate home team, but we don't, and instead of exploring the subconscious or their creativity or their own unspoken intellect, they fantasize about playing a fucking game."

"if anything, we, didn't do shit, we didn't pull the french out of two wars, we sit around and waste this gift of life and consciousness."

so i told this flag waving cunt, notice, i didn't call him a patriot, as that slave loving revolutionist once said, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism", not, repeat, not yelling incoherently about an ideology he has no insight on.

"if you want to get serious and bring in cycles of time like a regular person would, at the very least, suspect would have an incite into what we're currently going through, you wouldn't have to look back too far.

just a hundred years ago, we were in the finishing process of ridding our own continent of ninety percent of it's original inhabitants, you know, because they had natural resources, and all the rape, torture and murder that the usual army recruit could fucking want."

which is very true, if you think about it for half a second, and then i stopped for a second and thought:
oh shit, this guy can probably see the future.

the former cancer that our grand country once had, has now gone into remission, and all it took was the loss of ceremony, religion, and way of life.

because, if you look back on it, the reservation rate of suicide is three times higher than average, the average age is forty to fifty, almost all males are alcoholics, and a large portion of the girls have been forced to have sex against their will.

so the problem is taking care of itself.

so i said to the guy,

"in a hundred years their offspring will have free healthcare (albeit the worst in the country) and a chance to go to college on affirmative action.
so when you think about it, all of this will be worth it
so why don't you go back to your construction job, take your hate out on an enemy that you do understand, and toss back a few shots of everclear."