Ramblings about Obama and the Supreme Court | INFJ Forum

Ramblings about Obama and the Supreme Court


Permanent Fixture
Aug 19, 2011
Okay I just wrote a long post and then my computer got unplugged. grrrr. lol

Here is the short version. Superficially, I'm disappointed because I wanted national health care and it looks like its going down the tubes. On a much deeper level though, I'm experiencing comfort and I'll explain why. During the campaign, Obama set off all my totalitarian bells and whistles. He is the sort of personality that is not content to maintain law and order, but is willing to use government power to control thought. We see this most clearly in his willingness to force religious folks to violate their consciences and pay for the abortions and contraception of their employees -- now I'm personally fine with contraception and first trimester abortion, but I'm fanatical about protecting freedom of religion, so you can imagine how I feel about this. Anyhow, I cried the day Obama was elected.

After I had my good cry, I comforted myself with one fact: SEPARATION OF POWERS. This week, I got to watch separation of powers in action. And quite honestly, it is just more important to know that my country is protected from dictatorial wannabes than getting national healthcare. Hehehehehehe so funny to see Obama have his little temper tantrum.

Just a sidenote -- it is very irritating to me that the attorneys for Obama were so unprepared. It's just the arrogance of the Left. They assume that conservatives are stupid, are evil, are greedy, are ANYTHING but worthy opponants. Pride comes before the fall, and a lot of what we saw this week was the arrogance of these assumptions. I hope that in the future, more thoughtful men and women who don't have their noses in the air will bring health care to the forefront once more and argue on behalf of providing for the common welfare.
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But let's take a little stretch here.
We are talking about the greater cause for our nation. For all if us. Those thàt believe silly things and the ones that don't.

That's like saying there is a religious group in south Iowa that preaches the sin of disinfecting wounds. That god, spirits and nature will heal. And that you are forcing me beyond my religious belief to call an ambulance after I hit a guy with my car and he lays there in the grip of his last moments. I assure you today you would go to jail for man slaughter, depraved indifference, and maybe second degree murder. But I guess you're okay with it cause ....
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I'm not sure if it's me or not, but I don't follow this. You do want a national healthcare plan, but you don't want Obama as president? I hope you're willing to vote for a Green candidate or someone in the Socialist party, cause there's no way anyone on the other end of that spectrum would even entertain the thought of it; he's the lesser of the two most definite evils.
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During the campaign, Obama set off all my totalitarian bells and whistles. He is the sort of personality that is not content to maintain law and order, but is willing to use government power to control thought.

......And quite honestly, it is just more important to know that my country is protected from dictatorial wannabes than getting national healthcare. Hehehehehehe so funny to see Obama have his little temper tantrum.

........... the arrogance of the Left. They assume that conservatives are stupid, are evil, are greedy, are ANYTHING but worthy opponants. .

I am disturbed by the distance between your perception of the last election and my own. I grew up during the Nixon Administration's immolation. I was twelve in 1972 and had made a collage on the wall of my suburban New Jersey bedroom of political photo's clipped from Time and NewsWeek featuring Nixon and Agnew which I added captions to. I was an entirely disgruntled pre teen, convinced that the Vietnam War had been a despicable waste of human life, and convinced that Nixon, Agnew and Kissinger were deeply flawed morally.

I have been voting since I was 18, I have an awesome record. Sometime after Reagan was shot, I attended a rally protesting the invasion of Grenada. ( I would attend it tomorrow for the record). One of the protesters had a sign that read "Reload Hinkley" (that was the name of the gunman who lessened Ronald Reagan's enjoyment of life).

I thought that was bullshit.

I took something from that day. I do not engage in bigotry while disparaging the politics of those who's positions I find disturbing.

The resistance to Universal Health Care by the entrenched economic elite is greater than any respect or devotion that they might have to the Constitution of the United States or their position on dictators.

My experience here on the INFJs forum leads me to conclude that my observations on your position will not be understood. You have demonstrated that your ability to judge the personality of an individual in public office is non existent.
I thought that was bullshit.

I took something from that day. I do not engage in bigotry while disparaging the politics of those who's positions I find disturbing.

I have no comment about healthcare or Obama, I just wanted to say Rock On Stu. You are quite the anomaly.
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I'm just going to make a small note that the healthcare provisions regarding birth control as it relates to Catholicism and beyond was also to be found in similar reforms either passed by or voted yes upon by former Republican POTUS candidate Mike Huckabee and current Republican hopeful Mitt "Mittens" Romney.

Honestly, I don't see how it's possible to call Obama "left" or claim that he's got totalitarian leanings. Obama is basically a standard Centrist by international politics. His political views put him as being slightly right of center. Bush and his cronies instituted the USA Patriot act, which is the largest piece of pro-Fascist legislation ever passed in the United States.

I think Obama is just an average president so far. Nothing special, nothing terrible. He's done bad things, he's done good things.
I'm just going to make a small note that the healthcare provisions regarding birth control as it relates to Catholicism and beyond was also to be found in similar reforms either passed by or voted yes upon by former Republican POTUS candidate Mike Huckabee and current Republican hopeful Mitt "Mittens" Romney.

Honestly, I don't see how it's possible to call Obama "left" or claim that he's got totalitarian leanings. Obama is basically a standard Centrist by international politics. His political views put him as being slightly right of center. Bush and his cronies instituted the USA Patriot act, which is the largest piece of pro-Fascist legislation ever passed in the United States.

I think Obama is just an average president so far. Nothing special, nothing terrible. He's done bad things, he's done good things.

Yeah but he's black. And Bush was so horrible if you hated him and he was so wonderful if you liked him that it's just their turn. I agree. If Obama had done anything unprecedented, we could call him radical. He's anything but radical. If you think he's radical then you should try getting what the progressives really wanted and what they thought they were getting with Obama. And I'm sorry. But I know for fact a lot of people that hate him, hate him cause of his skin tone. To me that makes you the enemy.
Yeah but he's black. And Bush was so horrible if you hated him and he was so wonderful if you liked him that it's just their turn. I agree. If Obama had done anything unprecedented, we could call him radical. He's anything but radical. If you think he's radical then you should try getting what the progressives really wanted and what they thought they were getting with Obama. And I'm sorry. But I know for fact a lot of people that hate him, hate him cause of his skin tone. To me that makes you the enemy.
I actually liked Bush Junior at the time. It was only a bit later that things like USA Patriot and the wars for oil gained some context. I still don't really have as much against him as, say, those who lost family or friends to the wars.

I think he was one of the worst presidents of all time, but Obama is pretty low down there as well, at least at the moment. We'll see what he does with his next four years (which I'm all for, as compared to Romney being granted the same luxury)...

Also Les Paul avatars ftw. :m015: