Personality twins and dopplegangers | INFJ Forum

Personality twins and dopplegangers


Sep 5, 2009
Have you ever met someone who seemed to be a mirror reflection of you, your habits, or personality? I'm not referring to someone who is just similar in some ways. I am referring to someone who seems almost exactly like you in eirie ways?

Have you ever met your doppleganger or met someone who ever came close?
No. I did meet someone who I felt understood me for who I was, which was even better than finding someone who was like me.
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No, but I often think it'd be great if I could meet someone like that. Although someone that understands me at all is fantastic. :D
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I have met INFJ males who come close. Ame, is yours a female or male? Are they INFP, as well?
I have met INFJ males who come close. Ame, is yours a female or male? Are they INFP, as well?

Honestly, I've never met one. The idea came up when I was thinking of two people who I met, years apart. They've never met as far as I can tell, but they were so similar in personality. It just got me thinking about how many people actually meet their twin or dopple ganger.

I think if I met my twin, I probably wouldn't recognize her. Although everyone says, my mom and I look and sound alike. We are sometimes confused.
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I used to have a best friend since Jr. High age who I believe to be an INFJ. We went to prom together at my high school. He was always asking me to move in with him, but he was always in relationships. When I was in relationships he became irrational & jealous. He always said they weren't good enough for me.

We reconnected a few years back, and he called me his muse. The female version of himself. He would keep me on the phone for 14 hours, and I started to let myself fall for him. He said he had been entertaining the thought of making me his next girlfriend. We finally had a chance to be together when his longtime live in girlfriend left him. He would come over, cook me dinner, snuggle & watch movies together. It was perfect.... at last. One night he caught his estranged gf in bed with another man, and he came over to my house in the middle of the night, got drunk, and tried to sleep with me. While he was holding me he said this, "I don't want to date you, because we're too similar, but I want to make love to you."

... yeah, so... I door slammed him. That was too painful a rejection for me to continue. I keep losing my best male friends in situations like this... :S
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Mine is a very close friend. The difference is they are an INFJ who led the single life. If I ever want to look at myself and ask, what would my life be like if I stayed single ... I look at their life. They often say ... I wonder if I missed out on something by not marrying and having kids ... they look at my life. Very interesting!
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I totally did, several years ago abroad. We hung out for a few weeks together and then (totally like INTJs) were like "okay bye... :(" and didn't keep in touch.

It was really eerie though...
I think [MENTION=3255]Sali[/MENTION] and I are very similar in a lot of ways.
I used to have a best friend since Jr. High age who I believe to be an INFJ. We went to prom together at my high school. He was always asking me to move in with him, but he was always in relationships. When I was in relationships he became irrational & jealous. He always said they weren't good enough for me.

We reconnected a few years back, and he called me his muse. The female version of himself. He would keep me on the phone for 14 hours, and I started to let myself fall for him. He said he had been entertaining the thought of making me his next girlfriend. We finally had a chance to be together when his longtime live in girlfriend left him. He would come over, cook me dinner, snuggle & watch movies together. It was perfect.... at last. One night he caught his estranged gf in bed with another man, and he came over to my house in the middle of the night, got drunk, and tried to sleep with me. While he was holding me he said this, "I don't want to date you, because we're too similar, but I want to make love to you."

... yeah, so... I door slammed him. That was too painful a rejection for me to continue. I keep losing my best male friends in situations like this... :S
Arrrggghhh!!! ...Sorry... :( That's just so frustrating. What a #%"%€#" guy.
I've had some real big problems with male friends trying to date me. I don't have any anymore. They always secretly harbour some ideas and they come to light of day sooner or later, and the suckiest part is I think it's just simply because I look kinda nice, which is the €"%€#&st thing because I don't much care about what I look like. Most guys can't see past that. They just can't. Their balls get in the way.
YES. It was really something neat.
I have seen people with some aspects of personality that was similar (or at least some amount of similarity) to me, BUT I don't know whether they are projections of my own psyche, ego, desire-- or an actual similarity.

I guess that's different? >_> <_< >_> <_<
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I have two really close girlfriends that, if you combined them together, you'd get me. They are an INTJ and an ISFP. We all get along really well, and between the 3 of us, we can all understand each other.