patience is a virtue | INFJ Forum

patience is a virtue

is patience a virtue?

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Sometimes patience can turn into passiveness. But I would say that for the most part, patience is a virtue.
Well the proverb certainly says it is, and I think the word itself is clearly associated with virtue by that label.

I think what we really mean to call into question, is under what circumstances does 'patience' become identified as 'idleness' or 'indifference'? When is 'complacency' deemed 'contentedness'?
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Think it depends (as usual). A virtue indicates something to strive for, a moral ideal. So, yeah, patience is a virtue. It's a quality which signals willingness to be content or ability to wait to have things rather than expect them to come immediately. Thing is, the world we live in has all but eliminated the idea that being patient is a necessary quality.

Impatience is more common, and often provokes more progress or efficiency. Having the ability to do things now, and now wait is a huge part of our world's operation. Waiting for long periods is a seen as a sign of an inefficient and ineffective system.

But at an individual level, patience is a positive quality. Being patient is a good quality to have even if it's not the most recognised or appreciate quality in the world today.
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Patience come with its rewards.
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