Patau Syndrome and Personality Disorders | INFJ Forum

Patau Syndrome and Personality Disorders

Definitely. One could argue Hitler had it because his momma and papa were cousinz

It sounds like the personality disorder could be difficult to diagnose depending on the severity of any intellectual disability / nervous system defects (and as @Lurk mentioned, a generally short lifespan), but there's nothing to suggest that it's impossible.
It sounds like the personality disorder could be difficult to diagnose depending on the severity of any intellectual disability / nervous system defects (and as @Lurk mentioned, a generally short lifespan), but there's nothing to suggest that it's impossible.

I suggest an IQ cutoff of 60; I mean, self-awareness needs to be possible.

The collages I've seen obviously know. ridiculous

Bahaha! Yeaaaaaaah...

I deleted my post btw, not sure if it was offensive or not. Idk, I'm drunk right now....