[INFJ] - On finding a cure for the INFJ personality | INFJ Forum

[INFJ] On finding a cure for the INFJ personality

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Apr 25, 2021
The INFJ personality is one of emotional distress and typically volatile relationships. Remember that I am not diagnosing anyone in this thread - only speculating about what could be happening within a personality like this. I will analyze the personality pathology, and offer my insights on the typical problems INFJs and those closest to them face. I will also touch on potential cures.

I will start by analyzing the Big Five personality traits of the INFJ personality, which I remember through the acronym OCEAN: Openness to experience, conscientiousness extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Right off the bat, we can see a high openness to experience: INFJs are intellectually curious, liberal, and feel emotions strongly. In conscientiousness, they are typically very low or low, and don't get much done with stride in the material world. INFJs are typically very low in extroversion, as we can see that they are shy and reticent, and tend to feel very much or solely negative emotions. INFJs are people of high agreeableness, and we can see behaviors like conflict-aversion and altruism, which is why they are often seen as weak doormats by many less agreeable personalities. INFJs score extremely high in neuroticism, and they experience anger and anxiety exceptionally strongly, although it is often suppressed in fear of bothering others. We can see how such a personality would have massive difficulties operating in almost any environment.

I will now move on to the problems the INFJ and their loved ones often face. INFJs are not very forthcoming or open about their feelings and thoughts, and their loved ones often face the problem of the INFJ being passive-aggressive, and even after being confronted about it, they will not be emotionally ready to openly discuss what made them angry. They are scared of bothering their loved ones, as they see themselves as unworthy, and they believe they will be abandoned if they behave in an openly critical manner. This leaves the INFJ drained, and resentful towards the loved ones for them not having understood the INFJ's wants and needs. The INFJ is usually behind a facade even with those closest to them, although this is rarely done with any narcissistic intent. They are simply scared of being judged. Many INFJs are suicidal, and it is a terrible shame how often people don't see it in their eyes.

It could be theorized, that the personality is actually just another way of referring to borderline personality disorder, much how ENTP is possibly a shorthand for antisocial personality disorder. This is why it might be good if an INFJ tried mood stabilizers and cognitive-behavioral therapy. However, with MBTI being a pseudoscience, it is difficult to direct any cures to the INFJ personality pathology.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Please put any thoughts down below, as they always generate an interesting dialogue.
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Not sure that a cure is needed. We're all just walking each other home, doing the best we can
However, it must be noted that while the INFJs are walking each other home, their potential friends drive cars to their girlfriends' homes. In self-reports, this has been a great source of loneliness and anxiety for the INFJ. The INFJ is one of the personalities most affected by peer and societal pressures.
Why bother with criticising a pseudoscientific construct in a supposedly scientific manner?
Oh, do me, do me! Just how fucked up am I, doc?
I'm pretty great, and not borderline at all.
Good try though.
I hope you enjoyed reading. Please put any thoughts down below, as they always generate an interesting dialogue.

As a person who knows herself well, I did not enjoy reading your assessment. It reads as extremely condescending, with a hint of malicious intent to generate an argument as opposed to facilitate discussion.

Pardon, but what type are you?

it is difficult to direct any cures to the INFJ personality pathology.
I'm with understanding MBTi as psychology?
Your shit's fucked up. The main symptom of this condition, is that the shit that used to work won't work no more.
That is fascinating.

What type of techniques have you used to transcend your inherent, type driven, mental conditions?
I really hope mods check your IP against existing users because I've got a feeling...

Just another interesting newcomer
Also your feelings were wrong and are part of the disease that apparently needs a 'cure'. Down with feelers!
Why do you think INFJ need to be cured?
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