MBTI types and defensiveness | INFJ Forum

MBTI types and defensiveness


Sep 5, 2009
MBTI types and defensiveness

Are some types more defensive than others? Why or why not?

What functions contribute to the defensiveness in some types vs. defensiveness in others?
I think people are more defensive when they are unsure of themselves. I don't know if it's a type thing.
Hmm... well, defensiveness stems from a feeling of insecurity and is often related to feelings of invalidation or need for validation. It might be fair to suggest that F types may be more prone to being defensive. However, I believe that the more well-developed and emotionally mature someone is, the less likely they are to respond in this fashion regardless of type.
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I've noticed those with Fi tend to be a lot more defensive than other types.
Well according to some people responding to a failed attempt at criticism is regarded as being overly defensive and/or sensitive. I don't know why people come to those conclusions other than getting annoyed with that I have an answer to everything (which is fair enough). I don't think its being defensive, its just responding and to a degree answering.