Letter From One Percent | INFJ Forum

Letter From One Percent


Community Member
Apr 5, 2010
Dear friends,

These are good days. Do you hear them outside shouting in the street? It's music to my ears.

Let them protest. Let them shout and rail against us. Do not worry my friends. We're still in control and the game goes on. I am not worried and have no reason to be. The plan remains in motion. We have them by the balls and their screaming is only the last gasps of a dying idea.

Soon they won't even recognize the freedom they claim to deserve. Soon it'll be a shadow on the wall that they'll salute each day as they gleefully pay us to let them live. They will not hunt us in our beds or kill us in our towers. We needn't be afraid and the flow into our arms of this world's great bounty will never end. Do you know why?

We've bought half of them. They cannot fight our armies because they are our armies. They won't kill their cops or slash their soldiers throats. They still have so much to lose and we have so much we can take. Our slaves are still our slaves and nothing will change that.

So long as they know there is something more we have that they hope to achieve and that the hope of becoming us remains, however remote, our hands with hold their throats and ne'er stray. They have mercy and we needn't. They have fear and we are invincible. So let them protest. Never as one will they rise up to throw us down.

Do you think they could? They are fat from the food we give them. They're sad from years of being told they are sad and pathetic. They are broken by our financial system with which we can take everything from them. We've beaten them down with the gods we gave them. They are as whipped dogs giving one last yelp before the trap closes.

So dear friends. Have no worries! We've won. They'll never know how much they helped.
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only 1% of motorcycle clubs were considered criminal by the State Police of CA in 196

live to ride, ride to live
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Sounds like a troll wrote that.
My only advice for that 1% - Try reading those history books you have adorning your bookshelves and coffee tables before you underestimate the power of the masses. Note in particular certain years like 49BC, 1215, 1776, 1792 and 1861.
I've been seeing too much 99% stuff and I feel that they are being too highly optimistic with themselves. I decided to write my own piece on the subject to... balance the propaganda.

Dear Robber Barons,

The tides are turning! OCCUPY WALL STREET! I'm writing this letter to tell you what we're all about.

You have questions. I have answers:

Who exactly am I mad at? Wall street.
Who in wall street? Wall street.
What am I mad at wall street for? I'm not rich.

Let me tell you something about me:
I did NOT take a risk to get where I am today. I did what I was told, and it isn't paying off. And now I am pissed. I know that you richie riches claim that you learned how to run a business and make it succeed, or how to properly invest in businesses that WOULD succeed so that you could get a return on your investments. You learned by trial and error, you say. Well, I don't play the game of "Trial and Error". I play the game of being told to do something, doing it, and then expecting more than I was promised because I don't know how to manage my own life.

I wanted a bigger house. I got one at an adjustable rate mortgage. What is an adjustable rate mortgage? I don't know. You should have taken care of it for me.

I have TWO KIDS and I am a SINGLE PARENT. I can't afford them but I want to keep them! It's YOUR FAULT I HAD THEM AND YOU NEED TO PAY FOR MY CHILDCARE AND EVERYTHING FOR THEM BECAUSE I CAN'T. You may call that irresponsible. I don't. Why don't I call that irresponsible? Shut up.

I wanted a new TV and a nice car and an iPhone and furniture and landscaping and I want to go to concerts every weekend and drink. YOU are supposed to provide me a job that allows me to pay for all of it. Preferably something that isn't too difficult - because I won't do a very good job. I want to take a lot of breaks. I want a job where I don't have to think very hard.

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah! I'm angry that I can't afford the stuff I bought and the lifestyle I want while not struggling to succeed like you did! OTHERS were supposed to take care of this for me. It's YOUR fault that I am in this position. YOU are responsible for the choices I made, and I'm GOD DAMN ANGRY ABOUT IT.
You!! You have money! So I blame YOU!!

You hire LOBBYISTS to persuade politicians. And I'm MAD at you for it. If I were to see a perpetrator pay off a judge to get a lower sentence after beating up his wife... I would, of course, get mad at the perpetrator and not at the judge. I would call for the judge to push harder penalties on crimes. I would not call for a more responsible and better legal system, but for an end to bribery and crime! Because if we got rid of crime, we wouldn't need to get rid of corruption in the legal system. Or, in our actual case now, if YOU didn't have the desire for wealth or power, we wouldn't need to get rid of political corruption. If there were more taxes and more strict laws, the politicians wouldn't accept bribes or listen to lobbyists anymore. How do I know? Because I do.

We'll show you that we can remove the desire for wealth and power that is inherent in you businessmen, and that we can make the country better. I want a world where nobody desires wealth or power because we all have what we need. I only need a few things in order to see that dream made real. What are those things? Your wealth and power, of course. Do I need a car, an iPhone, a 3,000 square foot house, professional hairstyling, a new TV in every room, video games, and money for vacations? Yes! And I won't let your greed get in my way of getting what I want.

I will get what I need magically without any extra work, and you will continue taking risks and succeeding because you are skilled at what you do. You will make make make, I will take take take.

Why do I deserve your money and power? Because I've earned it.
How have I earned it? I've worked a normal work week.
How does that justify me taking something nonconsensually? Shut up. I deserve it because I feel like I do.

You call us incompetent! Well! Now you will feel the full wrath of our so called "incompetence". We are highly organized, have a clear message, and we are using the power of symbols to combat you. Symbols are power, my friend, and you have yet to realize it. I am wearing Nike shoes, an Adidas jacket. I have an iPhone with an expensive plan from Verizon Wireless. I just bought a new Sony television that I'm making payments on using my Visa credit card. I'm sipping a Starbucks coffee and eating a McDonalds apple pie while I look at Twitter and Facebook on my Motorola Xoom for updates on my movement. But what is stronger, me purchasing from those large corporations or me holding a sign on the sidewalk for a few hours a day saying "DOWN WITH WALL STREET"?

Of course. The sign is stronger.

Once this is over and we have won, I can head back home and get back to my job at Hot Topic. I'll go home satisfied and watch a television show on Comcast Cable, or a movie on Netflix or one I get from RedBox. I'll eat a Hungry Man TV dinner and drink some Coors Light. We all will.

I heard Buffett. I am AGAINST low tax rates on your investment profits. I know that if investment profits are taxed more, then you will not make as many investments and instead spend your money to make more money in other ways. I am fine with this unless it affects me when I want an investment from you - IN WHICH CASE I WILL GET ANGRY AND CALL YOU NAMES FOR NOT LENDING ME MONEY. I'll then try to get a law passed that says you MUST invest in me. You MUST give me a loan, even if you don't want to. Maybe for a house loan. Even if I can't pay it off. That system would work.

So you ask: "Why do you deserve the money that I have earned?" - Because I want it.
"Why do you refuse to figure out your own way to afford what you want?" - Because I'd rather blame you for my problems.
"Why don't you live smarter and prioritize your money so that you only buy the things you can afford?" - Because you can pay for it for me.

I want to live a life of comfort and security, of no-risk. I want to stagnate and do menial work while reaping the rewards as if I were doing something profoundly useful. Instead of making good decisions for myself and fighting for what I want, I want others to automatically give me what I think I deserve. I want to be offered a promotion without having to do anything extra for it. Daddy Obama, Daddy, please make them give me what I want, please take care of me.

I am the Last Man.

I am the 99%, and this is my theme song:

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Hi Chessie

I've tried to stay off the public part of the forum to avoid conflict, but there is a lot happening in the world and a lot to talk about and perhaps people are more willing to engage with these issues now.

I can feel your frustration and i totally understand how you feel.

It does seem like many people are still sleep walking through life with no understanding of what is happening in the world. I was annoyed by a comment by a colleague at work recently who looked up from his tabloid newspaper for a moment to call the protestors in my home city a bunch of wasters who need to get a job!

The ignorance was disheartening.

On the positive side many people are now aware how the super rich 1% are controlling governments and the money supply into the economy and that they are responsible for various wars which are profitable for them but which costs the public the lives of their sons and daughters and also their hard earned taxpayer money.

I've heard someone say elsewhere on this forum that the protestors are all anarchists with no clear vision of what to replace the system with....that's also an incredibly ignorant statement. The protestors are not all anarchists, some believe in capitalism and there is a big debate over how to break up the monopolies that have developed due to deregulation and also over how much the governments should be able to intervene in the markets.

Capitalism is all about accumulating wealth and now 1% control 40% of the worlds wealth. That is having very real implications for all of us for example we are losing our pensions, we are losing public services, our savings are being eaten up by inflation, unemployement is increasing.

So historically what happens when times get tough for the public is that they protest....in effect they kick and scream a bit and demand a better deal from the power elites. The power elites then come up with some initiative for example 'the new deal' which gets the workers off the streets and back to work.

The global investors control the money supply into the economy as they own the central banks (which are private banks NOT government owned banks) and so they print the money.The global investors can give out loans or they can call in loans and therefore they can affect the economy. They are looking to use this crisis to centralise their power even more.

If people think things are tough now they should imagine how things will be if the bankers manage to centralise their wealth and control even more....basically it would move us back to fuedalism where we would all be indentured workers with no workers rights at all (kinda like the work houses of the industrial revolution....oliver twist mark 2)

So the public have a choice to make. Do we sit back and let the 1% consolidate their wealth even more, or do we protest and demand a better deal?

For those that want to see a new system, like msyelf, i think the way to do that is peacefully, as Noam Chomsky says by 2 ways: education (make people more aware of what is going on) and by organisation (set up your own organisations that run on non capitalist principles....don't like your hierarchical capitalist workplace? Create your own new one without all the BS! That way you build a parallel economy that will offer people an alternative to the earth destroying capitalist one)

In the short term however what the public need more than ever is to put aside differences and join together in solidarity to demand a better deal from their leaders.

This is hard for some people to do because they are afraid. When people are afraid reality closes in on them. Ever been in a dangerous situation? You develop a sort of tunnel vision and things take on an unreal sort of feeling. Fear contracts peoples perceptions. The danger with this is that if in their narrowed perception they turn to the mainstream corporate owned media for answers then they will fall victim to the negativity of that source which is engineered to make people cynical and apathetic and easy to control.

Stay patient with these people and calmly explain to them the real ways in which the actions of the bankers and the corrupt politicans that they fund is affecting their lives. No rhetoric, no wishy washy hippy stuff, just stuff they can see with their own eyes (remember most people are sensors!).

Point out how the spending power of their money is going down due to inflation. Those are very real, visible and tangible ways in which you can show people how they are being affected by the actions of a greedy few.

The internet is joining people together across the world and as times get tougher more and more people will ask questions of what is going on.

One potential danger is that the power elites will cause another war to divert attention away from the economy and to justify the crushing of dissent at home. They have used this trick before, lets hope the people won't let them away with it again. Also the control system is already using violence to suppress the protests and have attacked protestors in Atlanta and Oakland: http://rt.com/news/oakland-police-shoots-protesters-851/

Here's a clip of an Iraq veteran admonishing police for bashing unarmed, peaceful protestors so hopefully people from different parts of society will begin to see that their futures are tied up in these protests and will begin to see the need to demand a better deal from the power elites: http://rt.com/usa/news/sgt-thomas-movement-occupy-465/

Money doesn't dissapear in economic crises it just changes hands....if it isn't going to the public....where is it going? And what are the public going to do about it?

....just some thoughts Chessie, so that you know there are others out there who can see past the end of their own nose! This is an opportunity for someone to benefit.....the bankers believe its gonna be them that beneift, the public need to make sure its the public that benefit!
@DrShepard wins again
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Mark me flattered. :3 Don't confuse me with being in favor of either side though. Rembember that "We're all bastards!" Perhaps that will be one of my new "something I always say" phrases.
They fail to consider that they're rich because of society. Or they just don't care. I wonder how much money they would have if nobody bought their stuff. Somebody willing to provide alternate goods/services w/o being greedy and letting it be known (think eco coffee etc) would be able to take some of their profits. People should boycott.
People would boycott if they were serious about it. However, they won't. Not en masse at least. The majority of people will complain, and remain doing the same thing (buying from the same companies they supposedly hate).

Look at the fight against walmart! A town votes to not allow walmart to come in. However - if they were to let walmart come in and just didn't shop there (continuing to shop at their independent stores) then the problem would solve itself! Nope, though. Once walmart is there they give up what they previously held sacred and go to get those sweet, delicious, low low prices. They're against walmart in policy, but not in personal choice.
Look at one of those dates I mentioned before - 1792. For anyone that didn't actually study their history, that marked the date of the French Revolution. The reason for that, was the exact same reason we see thousands of people protesting today's society in this country - the rich are rich, the poor are poor and there's little if anything in between.

If anyone with high wealth think themselves immune to the consequences of sitting back and simply making themselves even more wealthy without even lifting a finger to contribute to the wealth/GDP/Industry in this country (Bankers, Lawyers, Financial Advisers, etc.) then they haven't been reading up on their history lessons. There really are some professions that only exist in order to allow themselves to exist. Why are the laws we're all expected to obey written in a language that takes a specialized person to translate? Why are our personal finances so complicated that we need a special person to understand them for us? Why is there an entire profession dedicated to selling and buying real estate? Those jobs contribute nothing to our overall success in the world's economy, meanwhile the manufacturing and industry (jobs that do help a country's economic standings) are all being shipped overseas to Asia and India.

The rich people in this country aren't the Robber Barons who built railroads or tycoons that drilled for oil. The richest of the rich people in this country have done nothing for this country like their grandfathers' or grandfather's grandfather's before them have. Don't mistake the people on Wall Street for the same people that built the Industrial Revolution.
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Some people who aren't part of the super wealthy / top 1% have become apologists for the system that creates and perpetuates the super wealthy / top 1%.

Talk about problems with capitalism and one is immediately attacked for being a "socialist", a "communist" etc. OR the person is intelligent enough to know that pointing out problems in one thing does not in any way give support for another so they take another tack... such as saying that human beings are all **** and therefore the cruelty and imbalance is acceptable... justifying their own submission to something that their core self is regurgitating.

Defeatist mentality, it's rife.

Unless one is actively working to change the system then one must necessarily submit to a defeatist mentality to some extent so the ego can survive participating in the system which they fundamentally regurgitate within their core self.
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OP is trollin
Look at one of those dates I mentioned before - 1792. For anyone that didn't actually study their history, that marked the date of the French Revolution. The reason for that, was the exact same reason we see thousands of people protesting today's society in this country - the rich are rich, the poor are poor and there's little if anything in between.

If anyone with high wealth think themselves immune to the consequences of sitting back and simply making themselves even more wealthy without even lifting a finger to contribute to the wealth/GDP/Industry in this country (Bankers, Lawyers, Financial Advisers, etc.) then they haven't been reading up on their history lessons. There really are some professions that only exist in order to allow themselves to exist. Why are the laws we're all expected to obey written in a language that takes a specialized person to translate? Why are our personal finances so complicated that we need a special person to understand them for us? Why is there an entire profession dedicated to selling and buying real estate? Those jobs contribute nothing to our overall success in the world's economy, meanwhile the manufacturing and industry (jobs that do help a country's economic standings) are all being shipped overseas to Asia and India.

The rich people in this country aren't the Robber Barons who built railroads or tycoons that drilled for oil. The richest of the rich people in this country have done nothing for this country like their grandfathers' or grandfather's grandfather's before them have. Don't mistake the people on Wall Street for the same people that built the Industrial Revolution.

Did you read 1984?
They fail to consider that they're rich because of society. Or they just don't care. I wonder how much money they would have if nobody bought their stuff. Somebody willing to provide alternate goods/services w/o being greedy and letting it be known (think eco coffee etc) would be able to take some of their profits. People should boycott.
The most important post in this thread.
Fuck the protests, its lame... yeah youre really going to "change" shit by acting like an idiot... when we get to the phase where we are cutting off our leaders heads in public let me know, then I will join in the rich bashing.
Fuck the protests, its lame... yeah youre really going to "change" shit by acting like an idiot... when we get to the phase where we are cutting off our leaders heads in public let me know, then I will join in the rich bashing.

You will probably change more by acting cool and bitching on an internet forum. If you want to kill some leaders then grow some balls, get out there, and lead your own revolution.
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You will probably change more by acting cool and bitching on an internet forum. If you want to kill some leaders then grow some balls, get out there, and lead your own revolution.

Because I dont want to lead a revolution I just want to be in one.