Left-handed or right handed?

Which are you?

  • INFJ - Right handed

    Votes: 26 38.8%
  • INFJ - left handed

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • INFJ - ambidextrous

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • another NF type - right handed

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • another NF type - left handed

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • another NF type - ambidextrous

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ST type - right handed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ST type - left handed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ST type - ambidextrous

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NT type - right handed

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • NT type - left handed

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • NT type - ambidextrous

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SF type - left handed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SF type - right handed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SF type - ambidextrous

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't wanna answer this. keep these kind of questions to yourself

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did i forget a type cluster?? o.O

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Okay, so i thought i might conduct a very unscientific survey :D. How many of you INFJs are left handed? How many right handed? ambidextrous?
I've made a poll below if you wouldnt mind voting...just want to see how this ends up.
[i for one am a lefty]
I am right handed but I can do a lot of things with my left hand..depends on the task

My landlord told me he notices I catch things (ie. balls) with my left hand
Right-handed for the most part. A lot of INFJs I've met online seem to be left-handed, for some reason.
I'm right-handed.

But for some reason when I was a kid, I used to eat soup with my left. I think I probably wanted to be left-handed just to be different, but I obviously don't really remember.
I'm an ENFJ and primarily left-handed but I can do a lot of tasks with my right hand as well.
I put myself as right handed.
But i can do alot of things with my left hand too. And i actually practice to do stuff with it. Like writing, cutting thigns and random stuff. (still far away as good as my right hand is though, but it's fun to try to do things with different hands)
Right handed. For a long time I had a very poor use of my left hand until I read about some brain usage improvement practices, which suggested altering hands when doing routine tasks such as brushing teeth or eating. That improved my left hand use a lot, but still I'm not ambidextrous, and I'm sure that I never will be.
I am right handed, however I can write (messily) with my left hand, and use it for brushing my teeth and eating and other things like that.
i ask because lefties are supposed to be somewhere aroundn 10-15% percent of the population. And left-handers are supposedly scientifically proven to have more of a predisposition to be creative and abstract (not sure where i heard that though).
I am right handed. But i think my left hand is very powerful than right. I write with right hand and listen this, control computer mouse with left hand. :D:mwaa:
I was initially left handed but became ambidextrous due to environmental conditioning.
i ask because lefties are supposed to be somewhere aroundn 10-15% percent of the population. And left-handers are supposedly scientifically proven to have more of a predisposition to be creative and abstract (not sure where i heard that though).

That's an interesting theory.

My mom is the closest lefty I know, though, and she is also the least abstract. She hates anything that has to be interpreted.

But perhaps my mother is an exception.

Additionally, she grew up in the fifties, so even though she was left-handed, she was made to write with her right hand for some time in her younger years.
Recently I read that people who are left handed, or better to say who use more the right part of brain, they spend much more energy for everything (because we live in left brain world) and are prone to neurotical problems and are more sensitive. That's why many artistic or even people with bipolar disorder are left handed.

For example, people whit more active right part of brain have to convert everything before they understand it (when they read or oriantate etc) and that takes lots of energy.
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Lefties 4 life!

Watch out for my right jab though!
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thank you all for your input! very interesting :)