INTJs with high Fe vs. INFJs with high Te | INFJ Forum

INTJs with high Fe vs. INFJs with high Te


Sep 5, 2009
INTJs with well developed Fe vs. INFJs with well developed Te - How do you tell the difference?

sidenote: this is my type dilemma. :D
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I can relate, this is my type dilemma too. I am confused about it greatly. I still get INTJ and INFJ in pretty equal amounts whenever I test.
I would think outwardly it would be difficult to tell. One way maybe- during a crisis. Is the first reaction to fix the problem, or think of how the people affected by the crisis are coping. I think. This is my type dilemma as well.
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I am an INFJ with high Te. So much so that there are some people here who believe me to be an INTJ in disguise. I am an INFJ though, and this has to do with the fact that my motivations are infact based on Fe's principals, and back up of Ti. Fe is about creating harmony, uniformity, groups, etc. I very much do this all the time. However I often do it in the absence of emotion. This is very often why I seem Te like, and score with high Te. To me my emotions will get in the way of clear thinking and clear judgement calls. To me it would be unfair to inject my illogical emotional opinions into situations. I go to great lengths to put them aside. That need to be "fair" though, comes from Fe, it is a very strong Fe motivation because I must be fair to everyone else around me, for their sake. Te doesn't think like that.

I still go through the loops and internal processes of Fe, not Te. Te is based on complete objective principals, plans, and systems. I don't run through them like that. Te is very fast and very efficent. Fe isn't. This is because Te doesn't need to go through every minutia logistical logical detail in order to set everything spinning and into motion. Fe doesn't really either, but it often has to in order to plan. It sends it through Ti to extract those details in order to function. Te will send everything through Fi to extract emotional importance and worth. I simply do not need to do that, and if anything I do that first with Fe and either chuck it, or involve it with everything.

In reality you can't really be an INFJ with Te or an INTJ with Fe. It just appears like it depending on how much junk each throws through Ti or Fi. As I want my Fe to be as efficent, clear, nonjudgemental and efficent as possible, it gets filtered through Ti quite a bit. However it doesn't end at Ti for me which is often why it doesn't appear like Ti. This further backs up my persona that I am pretty much a bureaucrat's dream. I don't go linearly from Ni to Fe to Ti to Se, I go all over the map with a redicuolus amount of checks and balances to insure that it is completed right, and done efficently. MBTI doesn't judge on motivation very much, other personality indicators do that. I am very much a 1w2 which is why I am so heavily based on efficency and rightness, hence the bureaucratic loops. Not all INFJ's are 1w2's and I know very few on here who are, so this is why my methods of using my function is out of the ordinary.
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I'm Te-tard-ed =\
Nah that's not a bad thing. Besides, Je functions can be a total bitch!
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And when it breaks, INFJs go right back to either trying to smooth things out and lighten up with Fe, or they go straight down to shadow-Fi, and disappear or do something drastic with a lot of deeply personal motivation. (think "Kylo Ren" from Star Wars).

Rather than going into the difficult-to-scrutinise shadow functions, is it not more plausible that Kylo Ren is an INFP?
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INTJs with well developed Fe vs. INFJs with well developed Te. How do I tell the difference?

Oh, it's quite simple. The first are really INFJs, the second really INTJs. :D
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Dominant Fi: "Ben is locked into his own narrow perception of things, which is entirely based in his subjective emotional response to his father. He saw Han as a bad father who abandoned him and stubbornly holds to this worldview, even when Rey challenges it."

Auxiliary Ne: "He half-finishes things, leaping on opportunities with abstract potential."

Tertiary Si: "He harps on about moving on from the past, forgetting it, and cutting off ties with parental authorities — yet hypocritically cannot seem to do that for himself. It’s only when Ben can reconcile the past and the present that he finds his sense of true self and comes into balance, able to forgive the past and move forward."

I don't know, this seems to make sense. The challenge would be to give a more plausible functional account in favour of NiFeTi.
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Nice article. I'm enjoying it a lot. (not to mention being a huge fan of Kylo Ren...and Star Wars).

Ok. I guess I can see Kylo as an INFP. I mean I don't see a lot of Si in him. He's pretty idealistic, but...what about
Maleficent, from Sleeping Beauty?

She's definitely INFJ with a lot of shadow Te bubbling up to the surface, imo:
View attachment 71806

I'd have to look more into Maleficent, but I could see her being INFJ.

Oh, and I love Kylo too. I think he's a great character, original and unusual for a story like Star Wars.

He reminds me a little of Nagato from Naruto.
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