INFJ: Prone to drug usage? | INFJ Forum

INFJ: Prone to drug usage?

Oct 16, 2013
Hey. ENFP here. I'm currently seeing a INFJ (I had him take a test on top of determining this myself) who uses drugs. He's accounted use of almost every kind of substance, and has been in rehab several times in high school. Currently, he smokes cigarettes, bud, and meth. Normally, I'd be very unsettled by people with this behavior. But I feel quite comfortable around him, even when he uses. I've never asked him to quit or tried to cox him out of it. I actually accept his use. I'd consider him a highly-functioning addict.

My Inquiries:

Is it in an INFJ's disposition to adopt drug use, or is it an indicator of something gone wrong?

Am I accepting of this behavior because he's an INFJ or because I'm an ENFP?

INFJs, please give some insight!
I have had extreme temptations to use drugs before, but convinced myself not to, but I would say that we might be more inclined to use them, to clear our mind of our persistently heavy thoughts.
Hey. ENFP here. I'm currently seeing a INFJ (I had him take a test on top of determining this myself) who uses drugs. He's accounted use of almost every kind of substance, and has been in rehab several times in high school. Currently, he smokes cigarettes, bud, and meth. Normally, I'd be very unsettled by people with this behavior. But I feel quite comfortable around him, even when he uses. I've never asked him to quit or tried to cox him out of it. I actually accept his use. I'd consider him a highly-functioning addict.

My Inquiries:

Is it in an INFJ's disposition to adopt drug use, or is it an indicator of something gone wrong?

Am I accepting of this behavior because he's an INFJ or because I'm an ENFP?

INFJs, please give some insight!

I have always hated the idea of drugs and have never even tried them. I don't think that it is an INFJ thing in particular. Although I guess alcohol can be considered a drug and I have been known to get quite drunk, but only on rare occasions.

I know several high functioning addicts and although I try not to judge them I wouldn't recommend hanging around them too much. They can be quite unpredictable.
Something may be gnawing at him beneath the surface. Drugs are generally used to artificially elicit a physical (i.e, neurochemical) response that is otherwise lacking or desired in one's life. Cigarettes, for example, directly trigger the release of dopamine from the nucleus accumbens (e.g, the brain's pleasure center), whose relaxing qualities are often used to combat stress or anxiety, typically by folks with low frustration tolerance or few supportive structures (e.g, steady income, social support, rewarding career/daily life, sense of freedom and satisfaction). Methamphetamines increase one's alertness, focus, and energy, as well as triggering the nucleus accumbens; it can also artificially inflate one's self-esteem and sense of competency, inducing impulsivity, aggression, and generally reckless behavior. Both drugs speak to a latent sense of personal disempowerment and dissatisfaction, though, naturally, I cannot say this is the reason, as I know nothing about your companion. Regardless, drug use, beyond exploratory, "let's see what this is like" use (and even that can be quite dangerous, given the addictive properties of many psychopharmaceuticals), is not alright and should be addressed.
Drugs have a place in our society for both good and bad purposes

Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs of course, responsible for all sorts of social problems. tabacco is another one

Antidepressants are responsible for many deaths each year and mask a wider societal problem

Caffeine also is widely used and can adversly affect peoples health if over used

marijuana on the other hand has never killed anyone. Its oil has health benefits and many believe marijuana oil can cure cancer. its leaves provide more paper per pound than woood pulp does which would mean that less forests would need to be chopped down if we grew hemp instead. it is also used as pain relief for people suffering from ailments. It can also be used to make clothes, shampoos and a bunch of other useful things

marijuana is held to be sacred by some for its ability to increase creativity and help people to see things from different perspectives

Drugs have been used as a tool, since ancient times, as a way of getting in touch with our unconscious minds in the same way that dreams and meditation has been. The INFJ is perhaps more likely to engage in these activites than most types

I think INFJ's can use drugs in a benficial way...but its like everything...there is a balance to be struck...too much and dependence however is usually harmful and suggests a desire for escapism
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Perhaps INFJs use crutches because we sometimes lack some sense of self-stabilising ability.

Crutches are nice, but kick them out and the person becomes unstable.

I suspect your friend needs some sort of involved sensory ritual to feel stable. Perhaps the more risky ones could be substituted for safer ones. Eg. Cigars, humidors, etc. instead of meth?
I'm an INFJ and have never done drugs, nor have I had any urge to try them.

I don't believe drugs to be an INFJ thing. Could be based on a variety of factors.

Kudos to you for sticking around -- one of my closest friends experiments with drugs, and I worry about him, but I can't save him. I could never see myself in a relationship with someone who uses drugs. The problem is when someone who didn't use drugs starts using during the relationship -- that would throw me!

Wishing you the best, I know it's draining your energy.
Another drugs are for everybody thread. Perhaps the post is splitting or selling, such thoughts I am considering. Drugging and dragging sounds exhausting.

"typically by folks with low frustration tolerance or few supportive structures (e.g, steady income, social support, rewarding career/daily life, sense of freedom and satisfaction)" I got none of the above by most measures and I don't take drugs. Sounds like something one would say to feel safe at night. Can't we just say they are taken by less than humble idiots chasing illusions?

SOLUTION: pheromones can be altered by drug use.
I have experience with this situation in particular. Any woman using ibuprofen is increasingly socially engaging and sexually arousing to me. I've read it does something to the audio portions of the mind.

Look at things this way every time you two lovebirds are tonguing away you are getting all those nasty chemicals second hand. Perhaps your body is depleted of something and requires a cheap replacement? Those druggies sure do love to binge and purge on other things in order to make their body more susceptible to the high they get off a hit. If you participate in their lifestyle you too will grow more receptive. Why else do you think crack whores make more profit?

A good thing to remember is most often its the drunk driver whom walks away afterwards unscathed. I mention such a situation to state that one can not contain what they do to them self for they exist among others.
Another drugs are for everybody thread. Perhaps the post is splitting or selling, such thoughts I am considering. Drugging and dragging sounds exhausting.

"typically by folks with low frustration tolerance or few supportive structures (e.g, steady income, social support, rewarding career/daily life, sense of freedom and satisfaction)" I got none of the above by most measures and I don't take drugs. Sounds like something one would say to feel safe at night. Can't we just say they are taken by less than humble idiots chasing illusions?

SOLUTION: pheromones can be altered by drug use.
I have experience with this situation in particular. Any woman using ibuprofen is increasingly socially engaging and sexually arousing to me. I've read it does something to the audio portions of the mind.

Look at things this way every time you two lovebirds are tonguing away you are getting all those nasty chemicals second hand. Perhaps your body is depleted of something and requires a cheap replacement? Those druggies sure do love to binge and purge on other things in order to make their body more susceptible to the high they get off a hit. If you participate in their lifestyle you too will grow more receptive. Why else do you think crack whores make more profit?

A good thing to remember is most often its the drunk driver whom walks away afterwards unscathed. I mention such a situation to state that one can not contain what they do to them self for they exist among others.

Drugs aren't just about hedonsim or nihilism

Drugs have played a positive role in human evolution. Thats not to say that the abuse of drugs hasn't also caused a lot of has

But the drugs themselves are simply a tool. The reason why people feel compelled to abuse them is more of a question about how the people are feeling and the answer as to why people feel the way they do will probably lie in their environment eg the culture they are in

Here is an article explaining how magic mushrooms boost creativity:

Taking magic mushrooms (psilocybin) can have a lasting change on the individual's personality, making them more open about their feelings and the way they perceive things, researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA, wrote in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. The authors explained that those who had mystic experiences while on psilocybin were more likely to subsequently exhibit certain personality changes, making them more forthcoming about their feelings, becoming more focused on being creative, curious, and appreciative about artistic things.
I've never done drugs and will never do, I have too much control issues.

I will probably never even drink alcohol.

I'm such a hypocrite though, since I drink tea.
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Can we define drugs? Unless you have never taken a pain pill, never been prescribed anything, every single one of us has done drugs at some point. Have you ever gone to the dentist / doctor and needed to be knocked out for the procedure? You did drugs. Was it legal? Yes, that is the only difference. The legality of the drugs. There are many illegal drugs that at one point were widely accepted and used.

I don't want to go to prison so I don't use illegal drugs but if some of them were legal, I might try them. I might not. The problem is as explained is this thread. Drugs are not inherently evil, they are a tool like the drugs that doctors use. Like almost anything, they can be abused and that is when they become bad. Now I think there are certain dispositions that make it easier for one to abuse drugs but any individual can become addicted. I think those that turn to drugs when they are depressed, anxious, nervous, unconfident, etc... Are probably at a greater risk of becoming addicted.
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While I personally have been known to enjoy marijuana, I will not act like it's any different than any other drug on the planet. To do so would be ignorant. As for the cancer bit, that is HIGHLY debatable, marijuana has generally been used to combat cancer related symptoms (pain, etc.), not cancer itself. I definitely do think a "weed cures everything" mentality is starting to emerge in the stoner community. As an INFJ with anxiety and depression, I find great relief from hitting the peace pipe. I 100% believe that when marijuana is used responsibly it could essentially make someone a more relaxed person in general. That being said, as a struggling INFJ I feel that I have used marijuana as well as various other drugs as crutches. So, do I believe INFJs are more susceptible to drug use? Nah. But I will say that when an INFJ is put in a tight spot, there certainly is a higher chance of us developing a drug problem.
Hey. ENFP here. I'm currently seeing a INFJ (I had him take a test on top of determining this myself) who uses drugs. He's accounted use of almost every kind of substance, and has been in rehab several times in high school. Currently, he smokes cigarettes, bud, and meth. Normally, I'd be very unsettled by people with this behavior. But I feel quite comfortable around him, even when he uses. I've never asked him to quit or tried to cox him out of it. I actually accept his use. I'd consider him a highly-functioning addict.

My Inquiries:

Is it in an INFJ's disposition to adopt drug use, or is it an indicator of something gone wrong?

Am I accepting of this behavior because he's an INFJ or because I'm an ENFP?

INFJs, please give some insight!
If he continues to smoke meth there is a good possibility that he will begin acting more and more like a paranoid schizophrenic...he could eventually turn on you too.
Drugs. o.o

Many claim drugs "boost creativity" but if you poke yourself in the eye then draw a picture chances are it will be the same painfully jagged lines the guy next to you drew after poking himself in the eye. Sure the tears might not fall in the same splotches on the paper but its a strikingly similar drawing all the same. Its not creativity its a measurable difference inflicted by external stimuli of two different test subjects.

One can not be create. One does create. Its an existential perception.
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Many claim drugs "boost creativity" but if you poke yourself in the eye then draw a picture chances are it will be the same painfully jagged lines the guy next to you drew after poking himself in the eye. Sure the tears might not fall in the same splotches on the paper but its a strikingly similar drawing all the same. Its not creativity its a measurable difference inflicted by external stimuli of two different test subjects.

One can not be create. One does create. Its an existential perception.

You'll never know until you have tried them
I cant speak for other infjs, and i dont think any type is more or less prone to drug use. People use and abuse substances for many different reasons.

Speaking from personal experience, i have used many illicit substances. But i have rarely used 'prescription' or over the counter medication. Generally I dont like 'taking things'. And i really dislike having to take anything regularly or being dependant on anything. I dislike things like vitamin and supplements etc. The main reason that i have used drugs is because of curiosity. Literally experimentation. And im a bit self indulgent. There's drugs that i havent tried because i didnt want to. I dont think that i could possibly be addicted to anything long term. There is a big difference between using drugs to escape and to enhance. I have done both at different stages. And the reasoning and context is completely different for both scenarios. I more or less stopped using drugs when i had a child, because i was not comfortable being anything less than fully lucid with her. There are ethical reasons that i choose to not use many drugs, many are produced, manufactured and sold in ways that are harmful to others. I would be perfectly content to never use them again. But, i am open to trying things.

Generally speaking, i dont like being around substance use. But its complicated and circumstantial. Having been around many different people that use drugs, i find it impossible to judge. There are so many reasons. Use is different from abuse. Reasons for abuse are so varied. Ive been around a high functioning heroin addict and a completely messed up person addicted to 'health shakes'. And scary ice junkies that are literally foaming at the mouth. All very different. I find coca cola soft drink to be an extremely harmful and dangerous substance for people and the planet. But there are many different reasons people use that, and it is impossible to judge.
Some drugs can be used for self-discovery purposes. The better ones. INFJs love that self-discovery malarky.

But, the problem is manyfold. You can use drugs trivially and just 'watching the fireworks' or you can do the 'self-discovery' thing.

Really, you'll do one...then the other...and either keep going or say 'they're not for me' because the drugs told you that you suck and deep down you know they're right.

Chances are you do suck. Big time. I did/do...but I wanted to know the extent to which I sucked.

Irony of ironies, the further you go...the more you know...but you also then eventually have to just suspend your disbelief in this unreality and create a stable foundation for yourself which is what the people who stop doing drugs when shit gets real do by instinct. The only difference is what you are hoping to build on that foundation. People who have had their minds opened to greater possibilities might build something that is different where a 'vanilla' person might just collect more stuff and travel to places. Fine choices but then at some point they may feel, despite having looked at the pyramids a few times, they're still just big triangles made of stone or sand or whatever...and that life lacks meaning.

At some point you have to focus. You can zoom in really close and become a micro-biologist or you can zoom WAY out and become a cosmologist or mystic but at some point you have to stop zooming and live. Drugs might allow a person who would never have 'fallen in' to an alternative way of life the opportunity to do that. They will allow them to zoom out. Dedication and spiritual pursuit would also do this, probably more subtly and respectfully...but were these people ever going to do that or were they just going to have to get a job? Drugs can be catlysts to wonderful things but they are only catalysts.

That same person might not even build the foundation because the revelations just kept coming and were pretty fascinating.
I find that, I usually become very aware of my thoughts when I use marijuana but that it really stresses me out. My parents had a really bad divorce when I was 8, and so when I do marijuana I usually have incredibly paranoid thoughts where I think that everyone is a prostitute, and that no one is capable of love and that I'm being tricked or fooled by those around me. When those thoughts fade away, it can be enjoyable. I find that it always heightens my mood/ reflects my mood. Certain people tend to trigger certain reactions in me. I usually avoid it, I only like to do it when I am drinking.
I cant speak for other infjs, and i dont think any type is more or less prone to drug use. People use and abuse substances for many different reasons.

Speaking from personal experience, i have used many illicit substances. But i have rarely used 'prescription' or over the counter medication. Generally I dont like 'taking things'. And i really dislike having to take anything regularly or being dependant on anything. I dislike things like vitamin and supplements etc. The main reason that i have used drugs is because of curiosity. Literally experimentation. And im a bit self indulgent. There's drugs that i havent tried because i didnt want to. I dont think that i could possibly be addicted to anything long term. There is a big difference between using drugs to escape and to enhance. I have done both at different stages. And the reasoning and context is completely different for both scenarios. I more or less stopped using drugs when i had a child, because i was not comfortable being anything less than fully lucid with her. There are ethical reasons that i choose to not use many drugs, many are produced, manufactured and sold in ways that are harmful to others. I would be perfectly content to never use them again. But, i am open to trying things.

Generally speaking, i dont like being around substance use. But its complicated and circumstantial. Having been around many different people that use drugs, i find it impossible to judge. There are so many reasons. Use is different from abuse. Reasons for abuse are so varied. Ive been around a high functioning heroin addict and a completely messed up person addicted to 'health shakes'. And scary ice junkies that are literally foaming at the mouth. All very different. I find coca cola soft drink to be an extremely harmful and dangerous substance for people and the planet. But there are many different reasons people use that, and it is impossible to judge.

I've done a little here and there too, and I had a friend who died on my couch due to a blown out liver from hepatitis due to her heroin usage many years ago. She's started abusing over the counter painkillers just before then which made her liver crash even harder and she was puking up bucketfulls of blood all over the house too. It can be some nasty shit.

I don't get into the heavy stuff though. Music is drugs to me. And oranges. I'd rather have oranges than sex! I don't know why but when I eat an orange it's like "Holy fuxcakes this is the best thing in the ENTIRE WORLD" and I actually feel it juicing up my body. I actually have crashes if I don't get enough citrus. -.- Not major but I certainly get more bitchy and depressed.