INFJ ESFJ Relationship | INFJ Forum

INFJ ESFJ Relationship

Apr 11, 2012
Hi guys, my mum is an ESFJ and I always find her rather controlling I guess. And I find she isn't interested in intellectual discussions at all, which makes it very boring for me to talk about things with her...

What can I do to make the relationship more interesting and tolerable for me?
My ESFJ friend is probably no guide for the relationship with your mother, but I have found him fun and excitable. He is open to verbal displays of affection, care, or helpful insight.
Maybe instead of focusing on her not enjoying your type of discussion, you could try to focus on finding out more about her.. what she likes etc to bond that way. I have been in your position with my mum - an ISFJ
Overall, you're lucky. ESFJ's are generally great people :)
In my experience xSFJ types don't enjoy anything that makes them deal in abstracts. I seldom find myself having what I would consider deep or rewarding conversation with them, but they're not difficult to talk to. They tend to have strong opinions on the things they personally care about, get them started on those and they'll chat away quite happily (though they won't appreciate disagreement). They're also very interested in other people and love a good gossip. It's true they can be controlling. They tend to have a very fixed idea of 'how things should be', and become distressed when people or events deviate from it.
My sister is an ESFJ and she has a quirky sense of humor. We make up wild stories and joke around a lot. :)