If you could study something completely unlike you, what would it be?


If you could study something completely unlike you, what would it be?

i'd love to do medicine, because i could help people. but it's unlike me because i don't have the energy for the degree, i couldn't stand being called when i was asleep, and i couldn't handle the actual work emotionally.

what about you res.
Economics or physiology... for dummies? (Does that count?)

I'm definitely not an academic and studying either of those would make my brain explode. It's just too dry, too... I dunno. But, I would love to have a better understanding of them both because the knowledge is applicable for what I do.

Have negative from childhood. This man is so and so, they are so and so. Always use negative point to win over anyone. Have you ever seen political party winning elections? If you have, then it might not have lasted for years. Guarantee 100%.
i'd love to do medicine, because i could help people. but it's unlike me because i don't have the energy for the degree, i couldn't stand being called when i was asleep, and i couldn't handle the actual work emotionally.

what about you res.

Hmm . . . i think something to do with military science. I'd probably like the strategy or analytical aspects but it isn't likely that i would could handle everything else that was expected - especially the physical or other professional requirements of being in the military. You have to be able to think quickly on your feet, be tough - probably couldn't handle it. And i'm good with that. ;)
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Computer Programming.

I love the concept of creating, and I do indeed love computers. I can't however stand the massive amount of details that programming involves, one single mistake can mess your entire product and it has given me horrible headaches.
Currently thoughts of mechanics crossed my mind.

Previously, medicine, or physiology. Or physics.
I'm studying Public Relations...which I don't particularly care for... Mainly because I just want well paying job and I threw my soul into the garbage.

I do wish I'd gone into archaeology though..
mechanics. useful skill to have, and something i'd probably never willingly do over useless, fun things like daydreaming :P
Probably biochemistry. I'd be SO on that like a hot rock.

But my math skills suck.
Hmmm, languages probably, Chinese or Hindu. Other than that, sociology would probably be the least likely choice for me.
Fashion Design - maybe.
Because I need some - fashion that is. :tongue1:

And I'd also like to start sewing again and study of clothing draped upon human bodies would be inspiring.
Something completely unlike me: Women's studies? (the feminists I know are so uptight)

Somthing unlike me that I might enjoy? Paleontology, Languages, etc...
The Art of War

Did the Art of War ;) It's kind of satisfying.

What I want to be good at is salesmanship. I totally suck at that. I have some decent ideas ... I'd love to sell them effectively. I always admire the ability to do that. I think it involves more of an SP touch. I don't have that.
Physics. It's really cool, but too math oriented for it to be like me to study it. The amount of theory and mind twisting concepts are appealing, though.