How would you rate your level of attractiveness?

How would you rate your level of attractiveness?

  • Hot!!!!

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • Above Average

    Votes: 16 23.5%
  • Average - i'm attractive enough

    Votes: 23 33.8%
  • Below average

    Votes: 16 23.5%
  • Not attractive at all

    Votes: 7 10.3%

  • Total voters


How would you rate your level of attractiveness? (this question is more about perception than reality)

How does the rating you gave yourself affect you or affect the way you approach dating or relationships?
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poll added
I voted myself Above Average because I do think I'm pretty but I don't quite think I'm hot shit. It doesn't really affect my dating at all because I chosee people based on how I see them and interact with them, not based how I think they rate next to me. Although I will admit I'm intimidated my extremely attractive men.

I can't say whether or not it matters because will all know it SHOULDN'T matter but I think it may to some degree because even if you don't mind, it matters to some other people.
I said above average. A few years ago I would have said average.

Most people here are going to say above average or possibly average. The fact of the matter is the amount of people who truly have low self esteem is lower then what is perceived. Also, from what I have seen on the picture threads, most people on here are indeed above average.
How would you rate your level of attractiveness?

HAWT! ;) At least in my head. :D And it looks like I am the only one who thinks this of herself/himself on this poll so far. :( Come on people!

How does the rating you gave yourself affect you or affect the way you approach dating or relationships?

I approach them with confidence and I figure if the other person is interested in me they must think I am gorgeous in their standards, so I try to move the relationship to something more substantial. I really only care that we have healthy habits. :)

Does it really matter? When and for how long?

Do looks really matter? Is that the question? A little I suppose for a lover. There has to be some chemistry going on, otherwise it's more of a friendship than an intimate relationship, but I expect my intimate relationship to be founded on a strong friendship. So if I think the person is absolutely gorgeous physically, it doesn't mean jack if he is a douchebag. Then my admiration is purely for aesthetics.

I suppose it would matter if it is related to your job also. Like models, or what not. The people who think they know what beauty is and what it isn't. Beauty is relative.

I think attitude is more important than anything when talking about people.
I'm going with below average, as for relationships, well I'll tell you when I get one
Below average. My confidence is shattered
Might expand later.
I voted average, because that's what I am. Just an average girl and honestly I am with Reckless in the fact that I choose people on how I see and interact with them.
I'm an ugly mother fucker.

It's an unfortunate truth, but I don't find myself to be the least bit attractive.

I've dated people who I felt were much more attractive than me and it made me very self concious.

In the superficial gay world, there are three things you can absolutely not be. Old, hairy, and fat. I'm still young, but I'm the hairiest guy I know (I shave) and I'm a good 15-20 pounds overweight (Damn Chinese food). I figure I will start hitting the gym once I'm in Florida so I can at least feel below average in attractiveness.

I'm not really image concious unless I'm around attractive people, but there are times that I wish I was a little closer to society's standard of beauty.
I'm an ugly mother fucker.

It's an unfortunate truth, but I don't find myself to be the least bit attractive.

I've dated people who I felt were much more attractive than me and it made me very self concious.

In the superficial gay world, there are three things you can absolutely not be. Old, hairy, and fat. I'm still young, but I'm the hairiest guy I know (I shave) and I'm a good 15-20 pounds overweight (Damn Chinese food). I figure I will start hitting the gym once I'm in Florida so I can at least feel below average in attractiveness.

I'm not really image concious unless I'm around attractive people, but there are times that I wish I was a little closer to society's standard of beauty.

Appreciate the honesty.
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Well . . . when i get dressed up, i look more attractive. :m083: lol.

In any case, similar to Satya, i feel image conscious around attractive people. I'm usually very intimidated by them.
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for the second question, i don't think it does. not/haven't dated though.

not sure what you're getting at by the last question. i guess i don't know.
Average, nothing remarkable either way.

for the second question, i don't think it does. not/haven't dated though.

not sure what you're getting at by the last question. i guess i don't know.

np. i deleted the third question - not necessary. :smile:
I'm pretty average. I don't think it has really affected my dating though. Either people are going to like me, or they won't. I have a rather high self esteem, but I'm honest with myself about my appearance.
I would really like to vote for "Hot!!!!" because you put so many exclamation points on that answer. But I won't go there.

I did vote, though.

I think your perception of your physical appearance does affect your approach to dating. Your level of confidence will likely determine the kind of people you are comfortable approaching and how much you allow yourself to open up to that person. (I think, for some people, at least, that if the person they're going after is significantly more attractive than they are that they are less likely to set themselves up for a presumed failure.)

I think for some people that their idea of how attractive they are might also affect their happiness in a way. And your emotions can alter the way other people perceive you and sometimes, unfortunately, if they want to be around you at all.
i voted average as this is how i have seen myself for some time now, though i must say if i am approached in the.. lets call it workplace d: the majority of the time it is by someone who i consider to be below average. so i don't know if this has anything to do with the fact this is a girl approaching a guy or if i give myself a bit too much credit.
I voted average, I would feel vain if I put above average. I usually feel pretty attractive, but I can feel pretty unattractive in front of a mirror. There isn't anything particularly physically striking about me, except my tallness.

All of my girlfriends have disagreed, and have been unfairly hard on themselves. I tend to see people as attractive in different ways, especially when it comes to the mainstream sexy.

I find the "sexy" image put on the media to be a bit lack-luster. I find "cuteness" much more appealing, especially when it comes to personality. For example:

This isn't very attractive. Is it supposed to be?

This is quite possibly the most attractive thing I've ever seen. And it's not just the better pic.

Not sure why I shared this, wasn't part of the question. Oh well.