How much responsibility to friends? | INFJ Forum

How much responsibility to friends?


Sep 5, 2009
How much responsibility do you have to those you call friends?

What do you think friends should and should not expect from you?
Mostly nothing. When you start having expectations, you will start being disappointed. Time and respect are the only requirements, but mostly respect which is a two way deal. If they don't respect themselves, they aren't going to be able to respect me properly either.
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Mostly nothing. When you start having expectations, you will start being disappointed. Time and respect are the only requirements, but mostly respect which is a two way deal. If they don't respect themselves, they aren't going to be able to respect me properly either.

Wayne Dyre Has some good teaching YES?
"Seen the movie?"
If I call you a friend, I am terribly loyal and you can expect me to be willing to do just about anything for you. I don't know that I expect the same in return but I trust my friends to be there in some fashion or another.

However, the line of those I call friend is relatively short. It's not about knowing someone for any great length of time, it is the connection you feel toward that person--something that says "this person"--it's unexplainable. I have know people for years that I wouldn't firmly put in the friend category and known some people weeks or days and thought of them as friends.
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I dont really want at all to Expect from freinds, generally the simple company of freinds should be nourishing enough to your energy to sustain yourselfs i believe, enjoyment, peace, faith, companionship, forgivness, grace, and love are in all truth under-rated
i dont nessisarily expect of my freinds, but i think because i tend to pick GOOD freinds i can trust in them if need be.
in the lowest sense, i can trust for instance many would let me borrow some money maybe, or ask for help in renovation periods etc.
Time might be a little under-rated also - [ so my belief is that freindship should not pertain to expectation, or it would therefore not be freindship would it? - seems more to me like a contract from the initial "Freind becoming insignia experience" :p
Nope, i believe freind ship is somthing like a mutual gift, the true freind which gifts unconditionally
"And shallow is the freind unwilling to gift the infinite companionship Aquired from the living universe, delaying inevitable goodness"
from expectation of freinds, comes Entry requirements for freinds, and furthermore expectation gives off the picture
of one man putting pressure on another,
"A better picture to present would be a line of rugby players shoulder to shoulder each supporting the other from internal motivations"

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If I call you a friend, I am terribly loyal and you can expect me to be willing to do just about anything for you. I don't know that I expect the same in return but I trust my friends to be there in some fashion or another.

However, the line of those I call friend is relatively short. It's not about knowing someone for any great length of time, it is the connection you feel toward that person--something that says "this person"--it's unexplainable. I have know people for years that I wouldn't firmly put in the friend category and known some people weeks or days and thought of them as friends.

yeah i agree here, but a persons name Would fit into the under-rated catagory also
sorry i left that out also in my last comment what appears to me to be my, theory about the connection
between people. a spiritual theory that the energy eminating from a persons, possibly existing core
containing a universal source
is unaffected by Physical implications off perception ie. Time/space/matter
And is directed according to Consciousness i believe the bond is created in a spirit level
with physical manifesting properties - but also i believe true freindship is resricted to this bond
and without it, meaningless interrelations or controlling situations are a most likely a incurrence:m142::m100::m027::m027::m027::m027::m027::mhula:
sorry bout the mistake's :m192: :p
Friend, friend, friend, friend, frien, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend :):m027:
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I think friends can expect my honesty and loyalty. They cannot expect me to agree with every absurd notion they have and I don't expect them to agree with mine. However, I won't allow my absurd notions to be buried without a vicious fight.
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I have a few lifelong very very close friends. They can expect me to drop everything and come help them, talk them through any issue, listen to every over-analyzed contact made with the guy they like, send them baskets of chocolate and girly movies when they get dumped, call them on their bullshit when they need it, and be there for them however they'll let me. The interesting thing is that they very rarely need it, so usually my friendships are peaceful and easygoing :) I would do just about anything for them, and mostly its because after all these years, they don't take advantage and ask even when they know I'd do it.

They shouldn't expect me to set them up with guys. It makes me uncomfortable and feel responsible for their relationship failures. They shouldn't expect me to stay in a very unbalanced friendship.
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I think some of my friends push me away without knowing it sometimes. I think this has happened a few times though. I make friends/better a relationship with someone and then evolve into a different person. I guess I grow to fast for others maybe?

The friends that I have known for life can expect a lot from me though. I usually don't have to but I am willing to bend over backwards for a lot of people.
How much responsibility do you have to those you call friends?

I don't feel I have friends. There are people that care about me, and sometimes I care for them, but I really don't feel a friendship with anyone.

If I did have friends, I am very loyal and supportive. I try to be caring and try to get them through their difficult times. I feel like friends would be a second family if I had any friends.

What do you think friends should and should not expect from you?

I expect them not to be evil. That's pretty much it. And to be honest from me. Anything I expect from them, they should expect from me.