Gender Role Test | INFJ Forum

Gender Role Test

47% Masculine
44% Feminine

"This makes you Undifferentiated-Androgynous"

Oh ok. Guess I need to go blow some shit up to assert my masculinity.

This makes you Casually Feminine --

I'm shocked and appalled : P
81% Masculine
67% Feminine

Which makes me Casually Masculine..

Interesting. :p
63% Masculine
34% Feminine

Casually Masculine, which is coincidentally the title of my biography.

Your scores:
Masculine: Average

Feminine: Average

This makes you Undifferentiated-Androgynous
Gender Role Test
Your personality is:


Your scores:
Masculine: Low

Feminine: High

This makes you Typically Feminine

I knew this already, just took the test to validate my sense of the situation. :p

Your scores:

Masculine: Average
Feminine: Average

This makes you Undifferentiated-Androgynous

I actually expected my score to be more feminine, but ok.
Gender Role Test
Your personality is:


Your scores:
Masculine: Average

Feminine: High

This makes you Casually Feminine

I'm not surprised, but this test didn't mention any of the manly stuff I'm good at like growing a beard, having a section of my shower devoted to belly button lint or masturbation.
I definitely had a penis in many of my past lives. This explains everything.


Your scores:
Masculine: Very High

Feminine: Average

This makes you Casually Masculine

That's a little embarrassing I have to say. Time to take up boxing or something.
103% obnoxious
-3% likeable
Quite Manipulative

No actually, it is

42% masculine
28% feminine
Casually Masuline
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Reactions: Free and hush
About what I'd expect, I suppose. I had to take a similar test for one of my various psychology classes in college (can't remember which specific one, lol) and recall getting a similar score.
