Fuzzy weather . . . | INFJ Forum

Fuzzy weather . . .


Sep 5, 2009
Any natural disaster experiences?
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I was a boy scout and am still a boy scout at heart. I've taken emergency preparedness, incident command courses, have my ham radio license, and regularly audit my first aid kits and go-pack stuff. My dad helped after Katrina, we've both helped after major fires and floods and other smaller events. I've been in a tornado but it was a pretty small one and I was in a large pretty secure building at the time.

You can do just a few simple things that make a huge difference. Since moving near the coast, I have been more in tune with hurricanes and their weather patterns. They are not something you want to take lightly. The earlier you can be informed of a danger the better so I try to focus on that more than anything. If you are in Florida and just now preparing today I feel really bad for you. I mean you'll probably be just fine if you take the necessary precautions because our infrastructure is pretty good. But if there is something you might need the next few days, you could very well be out of luck at this point.

I am sort of unusual in that in the face of danger I am incredibly calm. I don't panic, but instead become hyper-serious and observant. I've been in some very dangerous situations, like the time a hot air balloon exploded right in front of me, the time a huge wildfire overtook my town, the time I got stuck on a ski lift just dangling by a small rope or the time a wild cougar was about hundred feet away looking right at me, and I was pretty calm in all of these situations. Bees though, they make me freak the fuck out for some reason lololol.
It's not something you can really teach, but you can teach steps to take BEFORE an incident so that you go into auto-pilot and keep yourself safe.

Learn to tie some helpful knots.
Learn and practice how to use safety equipment.
Always have first aid available.
Always have an escape route and an alternative.
Always have emergency contact information ready.

Also if you find yourself in a complex situation with many people it's important to discern who knows what and who might be best equipped to serve in whatever manner is needed. Have humility.
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I've never experienced anything as terrible as a hurricane or tornado, or major earthquake, except for once driving through an area where there was a tornado on tour. (Trees falling, lightning striking, branches flying through the air. It was intense!)

I grew up in a place where blizzards and ice storms are common, so it is my habit to keep food, water, firewood, and first aid supplies on hand. I was raised by outdoorsman. I'm not the best at these skills, but I am capable of much of it, and my husband is a bit of a survival freak, so I think I would do OK.
I'm living out of boxes right now, and don't have extra food stored, and it is a bit of an issue.
We keep important information organized on paper, too.

I also keep a list of skills to learn (and improve) and check them off as I go. I already know many of these skills but the list looks something like this: First aid, canning, pickling, bread making, sailing, firing and using different weapons and tools, skiing, driving, mechanics, sewing, knitting, chopping wood, felling a tree, tying knots, starting a fire with no matches, how to make different shelters, swimming (snorkeling, scuba diving), carpentry, tracking animals and knowing when they are tracking you, identifying edible wild plants, identifying poisonous plants, self defense.....
How to fly a plane is on the list, but I will never, ever learn that. It's just there.
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