ESFP Parents | INFJ Forum

ESFP Parents


Community Member
Nov 27, 2012
I have an ESFP mom and she overreacts and drains me.

- she takes things out of context
- she talks WAY too much
- if no one asks like her (social, flashy, materialistic) they have "a problem" =me
(she adores my sister because they "act" the same way)
- gets mad easily
- talks/acts like we're the same age
- overly suspicious about me

I'm an introvert and whenever I want to "recharge my batteries" and be alone she claims I don't love her. It really gets on my nerves and wears me out.
Is this common for anyone else with an ESFP parent?

I also heard INFJs were children to many ESFPs, so yeah
sounds very different than what i have with my esfp mother, for us our relationship is more of the superficial kind cause shes an so sp. so ive always found it very hard to connect to her at all.
yes, my mom is ESFP, almost exactly you describe

her and my brother are more alike,
and even though i'm older
i get called 'weird' and put on the back burner

it can be overbearing at times, but frustratingly enduring
i can't blame her for her personalities

she knows i'm introverted and that i have my own private places
i disappear off to,
places i go to literally rip my hair out sometimes, lol
Is it a coincidence that INFJs have ESFP moms? What's that about?
I just realized that my mom was an ESFP. She was very popular and outgoing.
She never understood why I liked to stay in my room and read instead of being a social butterfly like her.
She was also oversensitive. I could never be completly honest and open with her because she would take things the wrong way. I've often thought that maybe the reason I have always been so concerned with other people's feelings was because of her and how I always had to be so careful to not say or do something that would hurt her.
She was in a way also good at lightening me up and getting me to have some fun. I really miss her.
EDIT: Just realized this was posted like a year ago. lol