Understanding does not equal admiration nor the ability to value who is it you are.
People can understand you and still think you're a piece of poo.
I don't understand why people put so much emphasis on being understood, to me acceptance is far more important that understanding. I would question whether any one human being can ever fully understand another one. Acceptance, on the other hand, is knowing that the other person will still always respect who you are regardless of whether they understand. This is unconditional love and nothing makes a person feel more secure than that.
When I was younger I valued being understood. Now I prefer being loved than understood because i can be wrong and still be loved. Who wouldn't want that.
Understanding does not equal admiration nor the ability to value who is it you are.
People can understand you and still think you're a piece of poo.
Love doesn't seem to mean a lot when you feel alone in a crowded room. A crowded room full of people who love you.