Corrupt the Quote Above You | INFJ Forum

Corrupt the Quote Above You


Town Drunkard
Oct 30, 2009
Drag a post in here and then edit it in any way you like, then make a comment on the edited quote.
No way, Stu-D. I like everyone.


Ha! It is clear that you only like the cool kids and the nerds, everyone else is just filler.
Last edited:
Quote the previous poster and then edit their post in any way you like, then make a comment on the edited quote.

Ha! It is clear that you only like the cool kids and the nerds, everyone else is just filler.

Um, this was very clever. Lol.
Woooo, Laydeeeeeeeez, take it easy, there is enough Stu for all of you!

Sleazy office boss type. Considers accusations that he is sexist as signs of hysteria. Wears polyester suits. Drives a red convertible. Has "an understanding" with his wife. Picks the lint off his socks. Enjoys long lunches and golf. Describes his toilet as "the throne".
Who washed my socks with the towels, anyway?
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The sleazy office boss type clearly said
hey @just me Drag a post in here and then edit it in any way you like, then make a comment on the edited quote..
Considering accusations that he is sexist with signs of hysteria. Wears polyester suits. Drives a red convertible. Perhaps you shouldn't be using your phone on the toilet you call "the throne", and pay a little closer attention to what is going on.

mea culpa @invisible , what can I say...I am always on "the throne"
@just me I think a forum wide apology is in order, at least to @Sandie33 and @Jet and @Anywhere But Here who play by the rules
See? some people are going to be needing that chair in the corner...they'll be crying from the ruler-breaking I'm gonna give 'em:sob::sob::sob:
Hey Hey, settled down Wishful Dearest. Everybody makes mistakes once in a while, new games can be hard to learn
Good lawd Wishful Dearest! Your mistakes are an embarrassment to us all. You make this new game suck.
Milky must have an ingrown toenail or maybe he is having sympathetic menstrual is really not like him to be so abrasive even if Thirteen57 is trolling as usual.
just me said:
mea culpa @invisible , what can I say...I am always on "the throne" I did not say this!

@just me I think a forum wide apology is in order, at least to @Sandie33 and @Jet and @Anywhere But Here who play by the rules

@Stu, Please get your head out of your arse before you misquote me.

Sorry if I did not understand your intent. I was making a comment on "picking lint off socks".
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just me said:
mea culpa @invisible , what can I say...I am always on "the throne" I did not say this!

@Stu, Please get your head out of your arse before you misquote me.

Sorry if I did not understand your intent. I was making a comment on "picking lint off socks".

ok, the point of this game is to misquote people. I am truly sorry if you have been insulted or feel mistreated. please accept my apologies.