Yeah, the conversation has to have substance. I didn't really notice this until I had a ESFJ friend whom all she talked about was the guy she had a crush on, her feelings, and her struggle between deciding which guy she should go for when really both of them 'didn't like her like that' and she knew it. I only hung out with her once, a sleepover. After that I seriously never talked to her again. I definetly think that N types are better to converse with because they are more creative and funnier and just more entertaining. EN's are the best. INT's are also pretty rad. I just think that extroverted sensors in general tend to be really fucking bad at conversations, from my expierence.
I like different types for different types of conversations though.
ENTPs- I notice that ENTPs, when talking, are the story telling type. My buddy Colby always begin's a sentence with "One time, me and my buddy," and then it goes from there. They are quick witted and always squeeze a joke in there. The one I know though, doesn't go 'too far'. He is extremely polite around the gender he is attracted to, but me, I'm one of the guys so he'll say pretty much anything. They are full of charisma but you aren't going to get deep feelings from then or anything. Most of them have an ego problem, and apparently they play it up to hide their insecurties in other words: feelings. ENTPs I almost like the best because they can be fun but talk very seriously about politics. They just get distracted easily.
INTPs: They are great to talk to about serious things. They are less lighthearted than their ENTP cousins and they tend to make darker, more cynical jokes from what I've notice. There is an extreme difference between male and female INTPs: while the males are more serious and study ideas, collecting facts like jesus is trying to save the world, females are a lot more 'silly'. INTP females will usually appear ditsy and stupid, but highly creative. They often have a lot of inside jokes and will start laughing randomly for no reason, and although they are logical they tend to be very lazy and self centered. INTP females are very comical and can make anyone laugh with their twisted, quirky sense of humor, but they're also very blunt like INTP males and will say really pissy things to their friends such as "I actually don't like any of you." People put up for it for some dumb reason. INTP males are the same way, and if a women slaps an INTP male for argueing against her political beliefs, it is likely that he will just laugh instead of do anything about it. This type of communicator is also very impersonal and also tends to look at things as if they were a robot.
INTJ: These are probably my favorite type. They are very in depth about whatever they talk about and generally have strong political views. INTPs are different, sometimes an INTP won't give a damn about politics and will actively avoid it for a variety of reasons. INTJs will get their hands dirty, and often like to point out that other people's points of views are wrong. I just love the nitty gritty details an INTJ will get into. They are extremely smart persons, but they will act silly and throw people off guard. When they say things like "I just popped your comment cherry" it is quite disturbing to people who take them seriously. Awesome awesome type though. Love them. The downside is that they insist they are right on everything and will never admit that their facts could be wrong or that their point of view may be invalid. Although they are supposed to be scientists, the fact of the matter is that they have an ego that comes with it; it's as if the facts that they know are what make them so important, they gather knowledge to gain confidence, and once their knowledge is disproven so is their worth.
INFP: Infp's will typically talk about people and their observations about people. They are very accurate on how they perceive people to feel or think, and they will typically go on and on about their analysis of people. INFPs usually like to take care of people and are known to drop off gifts randomly at people's houses, perhaps when they are having a bad day, and pretending someone else did it so their feuding friends will make up. They tend to be liked by all. But then, other times, especially when an INFP is feeling underappreciated, they will go on and on with paranoia about perceived slights that did not actually happen. They may cry, or go in depth about their emotions with makes ISTPs very, very, very uncomfortable. The pros about them is that they are funny, but when they get serious they are usually very emotional and overwhelming.
ENFPs: basically, the god of all communicators. ENFPs are great because they have 1000 best friends. Essentially, they are warm and friendly to everyone, and make them feel special. They will tell you a 'secret' to gain your trust, and once you speak about that secret to someone else you realise that everyone within 20 blocks has been told this 'secret' and was told to keep it quiet (which they obviously didn't). The ENFP is the master manipulator, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and sexually. They'll call you up, upset but not crying, complaining about something awful that happened. You'll think that they trust you, and then you turn around and they called 22 other people once you hung up. I mean really. ENFPs are funny and very very often cause problems. They'll purposely create conflict because they get bored. They'll lie to avoid hanging out with you. They will spread gossip and pretend that they didn't know what they were doing. Oh, but they knew. And that's the beauty of an ENFP and their conversations.
INFJ: Typically an INFJ is good to talk to about whatever they are interested in. They will usually get really poetic about the issue and explain how their opinions on political issues are based on their strict moral code. INFJs will often be the people who you seek out to help with conflict, but anger very easily if you try to point out any of their mistakes and in general should attempt to stay objective when they are mediating. INFJs are typically very analytical and sensitive. While INFPs seem to be able to appear less emotional and perhaps detached, it's very hard for an INFJ to appear this way if they have opened up. Unlike INFPs, INFJs do not put on a front. Instead they are just very shy and secretive people. Once they open up, it is clear to see how vulnerable they are, and also how they anger/upset so damn easily. They make really weird jokes and in general have morbid or quirky sense of humor, that is quite similar to the INTP sense of humor. They really aren't quick witted, they take a long time to think and an INFJ is going to be better for in depth, emotion filled conversations than anything else.