Color IQ Test | INFJ Forum

Color IQ Test

You have perfect color vision!
Your score: 0
Your score: 10

I found this kind of hard o.o
I only got a 50.

Perhaps I should have deactivated f.lux, the program that changes the hues and brightness of the computer screen at night so as to reduce disturbances to one's circadian rhythms. Everything was a little more orange than it was probably supposed to be, likely making some of the differences less clear.
Your score: 8
Gender: Female
Age range: 16-19
Best score for your gender and age range: 0
Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520

that was hard. fun :)
-20 what are you?!

Umm seriously though. Phone would not let me drag and drop.
Perfect color vision.
Your score: 0

It was hard though. My vision isn't that good, I used a sorites paradox solving heuristic to compare distant colors with each other rather than closer ones because the close ones are nearly impossible for me to tell apart WHEN they're in place but I can tell the difference easily when they are a few chips over, so I was able to eliminate it that way.
I'm pretty high so I couldn't do all the puzzles in one go but I did pretty well. Perfect in each section until about 3/4 (or maybe even 4/5) of the way through where it all started vibrating and I had to just give up and click score.
Your score: 20
Based on your information, below is how your score compares to those of others with similar demographic information.
Your score: 4
Gender: Male
Age range: 20-29
Best score for your gender and age range: 0
Highest score for your gender and age range: 4970