Cognitive Function Pairs Test


Variable Hybrid
I found this online cognitive function test. I'm not sure if anyone here has posted it as a thread yet. If so, my apologies.

This test seems to have an interesting approach and seems to be helpful in determining cognitive function distribution, but it has a few problems. I've noticed that everyone I've emailed it to has gotten equal results in all pairs (Ni with Se is the same as Se with Ni). It also seems to have a little trouble developing type based on the results. For example, my Ni Se scored stronger than my Fe Ti, but the test types me as an ENFJ. A few others had this problem as well. Quite a few got radically off base results from their MBTI as well as other cognitive function tests, though I didn't. It seems the questions can be less than effective at clearly producing self assessment for some people. I found myself reading them a few times before answering.

Based on these factors I'm not sure if I'd suggest this quiz, but here it is if you're interested.

My results...

Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)

Se with Ni ************************************** (38)
excellent use

Si with Ne ************************* (25)
average use
Ne with Si ************************* (25)
average use
Ni with Se ************************************** (38)
excellent use

Te with Fi ********************** (22)
poor use
Ti with Fe *********************************** (35)
good use
Fe with Ti *********************************** (35)
good use

Fi with Te ********************** (22)
poor use

Summary Analysis of Profile

By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ENFJ

The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:

If these results don't fit well then consider these types: INFJ, or ESTP
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Dude are you serious? You were debating people in the functions thread already made and stickied on the front page of the online forums all week.
Dude are you serious? You were debating people in the functions thread already made and stickied on the front page of the online forums all week.

This one seems to be a different ploy. It compares the functions in pairs.
Ah nevermind then, my apologies to Von hose.
Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)

Se with Ni ********************* (21)
poor use

Si with Ne ******************************* (31)
good use

Ne with Si ******************************* (31)
good use

Ni with Se ********************* (21)
poor use

Te with Fi ****************************** (30)
average use

Ti with Fe ************************************** (38)
excellent use

Fe with Ti ************************************** (38)
excellent use

Fi with Te ****************************** (30)
average use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

Ummmmm...okay. Maybe I should retake it later.


Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)

Se with Ni ********************** (22)
poor use

Si with Ne ****************************** (30)
average use

Ne with Si ****************************** (30)
average use

Ni with Se ********************** (22)
poor use

Te with Fi ******************************* (31)
good use

Ti with Fe ************************************* (37)
excellent use

Fe with Ti ************************************* (37)
excellent use

Fi with Te ******************************* (31)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile

By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

Yeah, this test doesn't like me.
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Se with Ni *************************** (27.2)
average use
Si with Ne ******************************* (31.2)
good use
Ne with Si ******************************* (31.2)
good use
Ni with Se *************************** (27.2)
average use
Te with Fi ******************************** (32.2)
good use
Ti with Fe ***************************** (29.2)
average use
Fe with Ti ***************************** (29.2)
average use
Fi with Te ******************************** (32.2)
good use

Everything is basiclly the same? and it said I am an ESTJ? *gags profusly? Not only that, my Se is so low, that any question that had a sense of it in it, I didn't really do.

I think this test has too much "fusion" to give a diverse result.
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Cognitive Dynamic Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
Se with Ni ********************************** (34.5) good use
Si with Ne ********************** (22.5) poor use
Ne with Si ********************** (22.5) poor use
Ni with Se ********************************** (34.5) good use
Te with Fi **************************** (28.5) average use
Ti with Fe ********************************** (34.5) good use
Fe with Ti ********************************** (34.5) good use
Fi with Te **************************** (28.5) average use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ENFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: INFJ, or ESTP
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Se with Ni ************************ (24.5)
average use
Si with Ne ****************************** (30.5)
good use
Ne with Si ****************************** (30.5)
good use
Ni with Se ************************ (24.5)
average use
Te with Fi ******************************* (31.5)
good use
Ti with Fe ********************************* (33.5)
good use
Fe with Ti ********************************* (33.5)
good use
Fi with Te ******************************* (31.5)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP
Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)Se with Ni ***************************** (29)
average useSi with Ne *************************** (27)
average useNe with Si *************************** (27)
average useNi with Se ***************************** (29)
average useTe with Fi ********************************* (33)
good useTi with Fe ******************************* (31)
good useFe with Ti ******************************* (31)
good useFi with Te ********************************* (33)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ENTJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern: If these results don't fit well then consider these types: INTJ, or ESFP

LOL at this test.
From the test site:

Validity and Reliability of Results
As of October 2005, this is a brand new assessment and we have not yet performed a statistical analysis to determine validity and reliability. Therefore all results should be viewed with skepticism for the time being.

I don't think I fully understand the intended goal of this test, but here's my results:

Cognitive Dynamic Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
Se with Ni ***************** (17.7)
poor use
Si with Ne ********************************** (34.7)
good use
Ne with Si ********************************** (34.7)
good use
Ni with Se ***************** (17.7)
poor use
Te with Fi ************************** (26.7)
average use
Ti with Fe **************************************** (40.7)
excellent use
Fe with Ti **************************************** (40.7)
excellent use
Fi with Te ************************** (26.7)
average use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:

If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

As best I can understand, it seems the theory they are trying out is that this test will reveal a person's dominant combined with their opposing inferior function partner?

Apparently I scored highest on the pairing of Fe and Ti which is the dominant and inferior of an ESFJ and so it placed ESFJ as my type?

I think my scores make sense for an INFJ, but I wonder about the interpretation and also about how well they've captured some functions with their test. Fe and Ti are INFJ auxillary and tertiary, both fairly solid theoretically at my age. Also I wonder if the test is either not very accurate at capturing Ni or if many INFJ's Se is so low and unused that it pulls down the Ni/Se or Se/Ni scores, because I see a trend here so far of people who type as INFJ receiving their lowest scores on this pair.

Overall, I found it interesting, but certainly worth the recommended skepticism.
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Yeah, this test doesn't like me.

Weird test. You do have good Fe/Ti though. Also interesting that it shows you as Ti/Fe/Te/Fi first.

Ne/Si & Si/Ne *********************************** (35)
good use
Fi/Te & Te/Fi ******************************* (31)
good use
Fe/Ti & Ti/Fe ***************************** (29)
average use
Ni/Se & Se/Ni ************************* (25)
average use

Your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESTJ

If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISTJ, or ENFP

Pfft! I have very strong Ne and good enough Si but not strong enough to rate as my dominant or auxiliary function but as it's combined with Ne it has the appearance of being strong enough for me to be SJ. On a standard test most other functions would score higher.

The biggest problem with the test besides that, is many people do not have stock-standard function orders in line with what their type is supposed to, as this test is taking the top four functions that complement regardless (ie must be Fx/Tx & Nx/Sx) many/most will be mistyped unless they are the poster child for their types function order.
Also I wonder if the test is either not very accurate at capturing Ni or if many INFJ's Se is so low and unused that it pulls down the Ni/Se or Se/Ni scores, because I see a trend here so far of people who type as INFJ receiving their lowest scores on this pair.

I agree.

Dominant + Inferior total < Secondary + Auxiliary total.

This is having a drastic effect on the test results, and therefore invalidating them. At best, this test offers a small amount of insight to pair functionality. At worst, it just confuses people.

I think this is just a poorly written test, both in data collection and tabulation. I am almost sorry I posted it, but at least it invoked some discourse and insight.
Se with Ni ************************* (25)
average use
Si with Ne ********************************* (33)
good use
Ne with Si ********************************* (33)
good use
Ni with Se ************************* (25)
average use
Te with Fi ******************************** (32)
good use
Ti with Fe ****************************** (30)
average use
Fe with Ti ****************************** (30)
average use
Fi with Te ******************************** (32)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESTJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISTJ, or ENFP

Strange test.....
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Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)

Se with Ni ******************** (20.7)-poor use
Si with Ne *********************************** (35.7)- good
Ne with Si *********************************** (35.7)- good
Ni with Se ******************** (20.7)poor use
Te with Fi ************************* (25.7)-average
Ti with Fe ************************************* (37.7)excellent
Fe with Ti ************************************* (37.7)excellent
Fi with Te ************************* (25.7)-average

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern: If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

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Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)

Se with Ni ************************ (24.7)
average use
Si with Ne ************************** (26.7)
average use
Ne with Si ************************** (26.7)
average use
Ni with Se ************************ (24.7)
average use
Te with Fi ****************************** (30.7)
good use
Ti with Fe ************************************* (37.7)
excellent use
Fe with Ti ************************************* (37.7)
excellent use
Fi with Te ****************************** (30.7)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile

By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

I don't like these tests at all.Is it just me, or are the questions always really confusing?I get told that I over-complicate things a lot. Maybe my confusion is just an example of that...
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Your Cognitive Dynamics Profile
The forty-eight questions you rated earlier tap into eight cognitive dynamics. The profile below is based on your responses. The number of squares indicate strength of response. The equivalent numeric is shown in parentheses along with likely level of development.
Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
Se with Ni ******************** (20.5)
poor use
Si with Ne ********************************** (34.5)
good use
Ne with Si ********************************** (34.5)
good use
Ni with Se ******************** (20.5)
poor use
Te with Fi **************************** (28.5)
average use
Ti with Fe ************************************ (36.5)
excellent use
Fe with Ti ************************************ (36.5)
excellent use
Fi with Te **************************** (28.5)
average use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern: If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

If these results are different from what you know of yourself, you might consider why your developmental pattern does not align with your expectation. You might also consider exploring this result as a possible better fit.

Umm . . . what???!!!
Se with Ni ************************* (25)
average use
Si with Ne ******************************* (31)
good use
Ne with Si ******************************* (31)
good use
Ni with Se ************************* (25)
average use
Te with Fi ********************************** (34)
good use
Ti with Fe ****************************** (30)
average use
Fe with Ti ****************************** (30)
average use
Fi with Te ********************************** (34)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile

By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESTJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISTJ, or ENFP

:D If a test says so, it must be true.But I think all kinds of results are good if they make you think why you chose those particular options and take everything with a grain of salt.
Se with Ni *********************** (23.2) poor use
Si with Ne ****************************** (30.2) good use
Ne with Si ****************************** (30.2) good use
Ni with Se *********************** (23.2) poor use
Te with Fi ********************************* (33.2) good use
Ti with Fe ********************************* (33.2) good use
Fe with Ti ********************************* (33.2) good use
Fi with Te ********************************* (33.2) good use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ

The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

ESFJ! I actually wouldn't mind if that was true...

Se with Ni ************************* (25)
average use

Si with Ne ************************************ (36)
good use

Ne with Si ************************************ (36)
good use

Ni with Se ************************* (25)
average use

Te with Fi ************************* (25)
average use

Ti with Fe ********************************** (34)
good use

Fe with Ti ********************************** (34)
good use

Fi with Te ************************* (25)
average use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern: If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

If these results are different from what you know of yourself, you might consider why your developmental pattern does not align with your expectation. You might also consider exploring this result as a possible better fit.