Anger Management Issues


I have always been overly sensitive and easily angered. Lately it seems to be getting worse. People can always tell that I am angry, even when I try to hide it. Has anyone else got problems with this?
maybe other people are projecting their anger onto you?

i don't know if i get angry that much, to tell the truth. i probably do and don't notice it :| i know sometimes i don't realize i'm sad until i start crying.
I realize I'm overly sensitive, so I'm careful with my reactions and see if they are really justified or not. Sometimes I can't help it and I totally blow up but that's not a daily occurence.

Maybe there is something more to your anger than what it is. If it's unusual for you maybe there is something in your life affecting you :\
When I get angry I tend to pull away. People can't tell I'm angry or hurt. Sometimes it causes problems.
I think you are right, I feel trapped right now in so many parts of my life. Nothing so serious that I am in any danger, but it feels like my problems are always in my face. I can't even read a book in peace.
I feel trapped right now in so many parts of my life. Nothing so serious that I am in any danger, but it feels like my problems are always in my face.

I feel this too and right now, my problem involves other people and it's something that I can't solve on my own and I can't do anything about it.

So... I'm trapped :) and I think I have to control my temper too... the problem is keeping me from thinking clearly.

I surprise myself sometimes because one moment I become very angry and insensitive and the next moment I become overly sensitive and I smile at everyone.
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I get more defensive than angry. I rarely really loose my temper but when I do I'm told I can be scary.
I wrestle any visible emotional reactions into submission with a fierce iron grip, but I don't always succeed and this causes me a lot of consternation.

It's just important to 1) analyze the source of the reaction 2) forgive yourself your own humanity 3) when it applies, give the other person the opportunity to forgive your shared humanity by apologizing.
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Understanding that humanity is flawed and ignorant is a good starting base. I find sometimes that it can have a negative effect if used as a rationalization though.

I hold myself accountable for my actions. I can't meet everyone's expectations and I don't expect to. I do analyze my own expectations closely. I find that is where my anger's source is, unmet personal expectations.

Either change your expectations, exert more will, or change your circumstance.