All Intuitives are Mentally Ill. | INFJ Forum

All Intuitives are Mentally Ill.

Ghoulia Yelps

Community Member
Dec 15, 2013
The world machine at large relys on sensate people too function.
SJ and SP make the world go round, as they are the action oriented doers.
NT is the crazy scientist, and likely to have ASD
NF is the artist and poet who has a mood disorder.
I would assume that all types pushed to their unhealthy extremes become what we group as mental illnesses, specifically personality disorders.

That said, ideas about attachment are also said to play a large part and this is gained at an early age largely unconsciously. All types are capable of healthy and unhealthy attachment to others so I think it goes deeper.
I think the op is too generalized and exaggerated, so I disagree.
Mental illness goes way beyond just personality.
There's genetics, hormones, chemistry, lifestyle, life events....I don't think just one thing contributes to someone's mental health.

However, I did meet a physician once that said that introspective individuals are more likely to have depression. I've thought a lot about that, and to be honest...I know quite a few introspective people who do have depression. SO I don't know...I sometimes think it's because introspective individuals recognize and perhaps 'accept' their feelings, and are more likely to admit/deal with it...whereas non-introspective individuals might be depressed, but don't realize it or fight it...and are therefore less likely to seek help.
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A mental illness indicates dysfunctionality.

But a society requires different skills and functions to operate well. I think the distribution of personality types works well, leading to greater social functionality.
This is way to generalised, and I am sorry to say it, but only idiots generalise, in my opinion.
PS: It will say a lot about you, if you answer negatively to this.
Man, I be so ill...

How detrimental a trait can be depends on how you display or demonstrate that trait in social vs. private situations. For example, I used to be extremely introspective to the point of internalizing everything and becoming easily depressed and moody. I realized that it made me isolate myself, and display this withdrawn behavior in public situations, which just made others feel uncomfortable, and just made me more self conscious. Very antisocial. And it was perceived as a serious personality issue or problem. So, yeah, some personality traits may be seen as personality disorders depending on how extreme and how often they are displayed. There's a time and a place for showing various parts of our personality that may not be best fit for many situations. However, it doesn't mean the personality trait is bad. Each trait has it's pros and cons. As someone else said, any trait in the extreme can be a problem. For example, being confident, logical, and decisive which is a typical TJ trait can be great qualities. However, when someone is too logical, and unable to empathize with emotional perspective, or someone becomes too overconfident to the point of cockiness or extreme arrogance or when someone gets too set on making a decision but inflexible if a decision has to be rethought or remade, then it can be a problem especially in relationships. Every trait has it's pros and cons.
This is way to generalised, and I am sorry to say it, but only idiots generalise, in my opinion.
PS: It will say a lot about you, if you answer negatively to this.

Yes, only idiots generalize .... wut?
Whats life without a little colour?
Thanks for all your answers! :)
Of course any personality type can have a disorder, extroverted folk are no exception!
Try ESTP for narcissistic personality disorder.
i'll take door number three Monty
Introverts are more likely to be depressed, but they also handle their depression much better. Extraverts are far more likely to commit suicide or engage in (self) destructive behaviors when depressed.

A major symptom of depression is rumination, which is pretty normal for those who live within their own heads anyway. Depression makes one more introspective. It also strengthens both memory and empathy.
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The world machine at large relys on sensate people too function.
SJ and SP make the world go round, as they are the action oriented doers.
NT is the crazy scientist, and likely to have ASD
NF is the artist and poet who has a mood disorder.

Tell me your mood disorder(s).
I have tendencies towards OCD, suffer SAD, and definitely have depression.
Do you attribute this to nf? Why?
All Intuitives are Mentally...what? Ill? Man, I thought its the opposite, but what do I know...