What Does The Future Look Like? | INFJ Forum

What Does The Future Look Like?


Resident palindrome
Staff member
Aug 21, 2015
OK future-oriented INFJs and friends, what does the future look like?

In a world with interplanetary travel and habitation, what do our spaceships looks like? What do the buildings of our future look like? How do we dress? What do we eat? What technology will we have? What will learning and knowledge be like? What will our health be like?

I am thinking about this because I was playing a futuristic video game (Destiny) and my SO kept saying, "The ships and buildings looks like (the video game) No Man's Sky".
I agree. I explained that it is probably because both games were influenced by the same 1960s and 1970s sci-fi illustrators: Roger Dean, Eddie Jones, Peter Elson, Chris Foss, Trevor Webb, John Harris, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Peter Gric and Moebius.

This is a comfortable version of the future that I immediately accept as "believable".

It is similar in some ways to Star Wars canon.
Star Wars and Star Trek are also, obviously hugely influential in how we envision the future of space-literate humanity.

Another popular version of the future is H.R. Giger - responsible for "Alien" and "Dune". His worked seemed like a key influence for "The Chronicles of Riddick", too.

Or is the future stuck somewhere between Earthly destitution and inter-galactic modernism, ala Blade Runner?

Do you accept these popular designs as a possibility? Or do you think things will be different?

I hope to keep this thread fun and imaginative... as well as discussing real possibilities if we ever reach this technological advancement.
OK future-oriented INFJs and friends, what does the future look like?

In a world with interplanetary travel and habitation, what do our spaceships looks like? What do the buildings of our future look like? How do we dress? What do we eat? What technology will we have? What will learning and knowledge be like? What will our health be like?

I believe temporary. With the progress to one day inhabit other planets the draw to 'move' will hold most peoples attention.

"In a world with interplanetary travel and habitation, what do our spaceships looks like?
What do the buildings of our future look like?
How do we dress?
What do we eat?
What technology will we have?
What will learning and knowledge be like? What will our health be like?"

I have to think longer to answer the above ;)
I included one, or more, images from every artist and movie mentioned.

@Sandie33 - You make a good point about anything we build being temporary due to the desire to keep moving.


Bleak. The future is war. What we can see is about half the population of the earth being wiped out due to humanities activities. In the long wrong this isn't necessarily bad. The weak will perish in greater numbers as is the way of the universe.
However... Extraterrestrials may end the human race or just turn them into slaves or food.
OK future-oriented INFJs and friends, what does the future look like?

In a world with interplanetary travel and habitation, what do our spaceships looks like? What do the buildings of our future look like? How do we dress? What do we eat? What technology will we have? What will learning and knowledge be like? What will our health be like?

I am thinking about this because I was playing a futuristic video game (Destiny) and my SO kept saying, "The ships and buildings looks like (the video game) No Man's Sky".
I agree. I explained that it is probably because both games were influenced by the same 1960s and 1970s sci-fi illustrators: Roger Dean, Eddie Jones, Peter Elson, Chris Foss, Trevor Webb, John Harris, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Peter Gric and Moebius.

This is a comfortable version of the future that I immediately accept as "believable".

It is similar in some ways to Star Wars canon.
Star Wars and Star Trek are also, obviously hugely influential in how we envision the future of space-literate humanity.

Another popular version of the future is H.R. Giger - responsible for "Alien" and "Dune". His worked seemed like a key influence for "The Chronicles of Riddick", too.

Or is the future stuck somewhere between Earthly destitution and inter-galactic modernism, ala Blade Runner?

Do you accept these popular designs as a possibility? Or do you think things will be different?

I hope to keep this thread fun and imaginative... as well as discussing real possibilities if we ever reach this technological advancement.

Great great thread @Asa :)

I think the future will be incredible. Once we resolve the crisis of a "Woman" Dr Who. Until then the universe remains in great danger.... ;)

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Anytime you hear science says something. Do the opposite.

I heard a bunch of different stuff. The immediate future is not going to be good. Good news we are hitting rock bottom now and can only go up from here. Eyewitness accounts from the Philadelphia project says far future will be awesome, sorta. Things will be run by a beyond quantum super computer AI and people will be free to do what they want with a caveat that they must contribute something to society. Their is a group running it the wing - something group? I don't remember... pretty fun reading about... oh and for those who love aliens rumor has it disclosure is coming.
The suggestion is we will transition into machines. Easily upgradable and replaceable parts. Our minds will be stored and then downloaded into data containers.

With the advent of quantum entanglement technologies there will be no reason for us to actually ever travel anywhere. There's an area of space you are interested In? Just send a probe that has more sensors than you do. You'll be able to control it instantly regardless of how far away it is. Or if you want to actually be there you'll just download your mind into a "body" in the area.
The suggestion is we will transition into machines. Easily upgradable and replaceable parts. Our minds will be stored and then downloaded into data containers.
download your mind into a "body" in the area.

I don't think it would be wise to download you spirit into a metal box or live forever. The buddhist monks say this is the world of illusion. you don't want get trapped here.
I don't think it would be wise to download you spirit into a metal box or live forever. The buddhist monks say this is the world of illusion. you don't want get trapped here.
Well my thought is that your real mind, that which is a series of chemicals, nuerons and biological matter is what makes up you. So once that brain is gone, that which was you is gone as well. Regardless of the fact you've downloaded what consists of a pattern into a data store.
Do you know how transporters work in Star Trek? They create an exact copy of you where you want to go and destroy the one left over where you were. What I find interesting about this is that in this world, people should technically be able to live forever....but that never seems to be touched on.
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This trended on youtube a little bit ago, so some of you may have come across it. Seems applicable.

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Well my thou They create an exact copy of you where you want to go and destroy the one left over where you were. What I find interesting about this is that in this world, people should technically be able to live forever....but that never seems to be touched on.

Yeah the idea behind that is that it Transfers the energy (soul/spirit) to another replica of your garbage body. This means your body is disposable and easily? replicated for your soul... the literal science of mated pairs (quarks? don't remember) works exactly this way (crappy tablet can't explain further)

The energy (soul\spirit) ismoved from one small bit to the other. Your meat body is just a vehicle that you get attached to via food gluttony, sex, among others, and these wants trap the soul close to the place or thing it loves trapping it here and in its ignorance and fear shuns heaven.
This trended on youtube a little bit ago, so some of you may have come across it. Seems applicable.

First they got mice to live 4 times as long. Then they reversed aging in mice. Real science that actually happened and is likely happening today to select people with a lot of money and influence.
The question "If you could live forever would you?" Is very relevant.
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