It definitely isn't, but it has it's good points! I really love living here when it's spring/summer/fall, but once the ~5-6 month long winter comes.. Oh lawddd. LOL!
If you ever choose to move here to fulfill your dream at least you know you've got a friend here waiting for you ^__^. (That's IF I don't leave though!). But either way I'd love to show you around! Oh wow, I can imagine! Germany and Texas seem to be quite the polar opposites XD! If you don't mind me asking, are you in Germany for school?
You're in the medical field!? What are you doing, girl!? This is so crazy and awesome! Either way, I know you've got it in you to become whatever you like! You're a talented, creative and sweet girl, I'm sure Bioware would love to have you
Oh girrrl, I'm into mostly RPG (The legend of Zelda), Final Fantasy, etc.. I also love action games like Street Fighter, and the usual nintendo games.. LOL. I've recently pruchased a steamy and interesting game called "Catherine" and I'm really digging it~ Have you heard of it?
Ahh, I know what you mean. Don't worry though! We're so young, you and I! There's still plenty of time to turn things around and let them happen as you want them to~ Haha omg this sounds terrible but I would love to get paid for sleeping and testing out mattress or something. Uhh, dream occupation right dere!

Lol fuck work~ Maybe I hate it though 'cause I hate what I do. (Strong words, I know!)
How was transformers!? Omg, did you hurt yourself? :O I hope you're alright! That's so true, we never fully appreciate the awesome things we've got until they've been taken away from us >_<. & about the girl! Maybe you can try talking it out with her to make sure things are alright!? Sorry I don't know too much info, but if it bothers you then I'd say it wouldn't hurt in trying to make things better. Life's too short to leave things on a bad note, we need more love :3