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  • Hey Abdee :)

    Yea, its kinda the same here with being really busy with school n stuff. Ain't got time to chat in sane hours, just the occasional evening but then no one is around, especially not you cause austrialia is several hours ahead of me which means you're asleep then. I kinda gave up on the chat too. That would be great :)
    Thanks man, I hope you had a good new years and stuff too.
    haha me too, Life just has a way to emphasize on different things every now and then. As you see it happens to me too ^^"
    See ya when I see ya ;p
    I'm in the same state of mind really. These last couple of months have been a bit tiring, but I'm getting there trying to maintain myself healthy in this crazy world. I got my kitties to help me out in keeping my sanity once I'm home =)
    Well of course I am, lol. : D

    How's your journey thus far? Last I heard from you, you sounded like you were in a better place and happier after making some key changes.
    Hey abdee, how are you doing? ^^
    (I thought I'd ask since I've not had the fortune to run into you lately.)
    Omg your profile wallpaper.

    Hope you're having a spiffy, Fraustraliench day. ^-^
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