Recent content by Stella | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Stella

  1. Stella

    The three words game! v2

    failure in every
  2. Stella

    gifted kids

    Well, as a kid who was in a "special" class, it didn't feel special. It felt normal. In fact, the only time I ever remember being told we were doing anything at all different was when a teacher said we were doing 3 lessons a day in math at one point. If anything, being in such classes only...
  3. Stella

    gifted kids

    I was. I thought it was really cool. Other "gifted" kids and I went to a magnet school where we all went through about 4 years of education (3rd through 6th grade) together and it was a blast. I felt like I really fitted in. I had a ton of friends, even. The only bad part is that because we...
  4. Stella

    Your Meditation Experiences

    I've only meditated once, really. It was like a demo/free trial thing at this yoga place a few years ago. You could either sit or lay down, and because I was afraid my feet would fall asleep I opted to lay down. I don't remember it all now, but it was very relaxing. I remember there was...
  5. Stella

    What HTML color are you? Saw this on Tumblr and it's pretty cool, somewhat accurate too. Choose which words describe you and it will tell you what color you are. 144 results. --- you are darkslateblue #483D8B Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and...
  6. Stella

    How do you feel about makeup?

    I think when you use it to completely remake your face is when it becomes ugly. Some makeup is well done even when remaking one's face, but it's few and far between. I just use eyeliner pencil, mineral powder all over, and chapstick, and a bit of purple-ish eye shadow if I just look weird that...
  7. Stella

    Who were you in another life?

    I personally don't believe we have other lives. But, if we did, I'd say I probably was in the navy or air force during World War II, and worked in a hangar. Or something similar but during the Cold War. At one time I lived in France.
  8. Stella

    What is a human?

    Are we human? Or are we dancer? Okay. Done. Had to. But yes. Human is homo sapiens. It means you are comprised of human DNA. That's all that's needed to be a human. To be a person is another thing, and that requires so much more.
  9. Stella

    Your Song of the day/week It's been stuck in my head for about a week on and off now, good lord.
  10. Stella

    Do you often feel older than your peers?

    My friends tell me I'm the group mom, so yes in that respect. And yes overall. I feel like I'm in a totally different mindset than everyone my age. I mean, I act like I'm 4 sometimes, but then I have the mindset of a 65 year old.
  11. Stella

    First impression thread

    Cool username. Awesome Tumblr.
  12. Stella

    First impression thread

    Either the nice one who reps a lot or someone I don't remember. Haha
  13. Stella

    Physical expression of personality.

    Overall I suck at talking. But yes. I use my hands often when speaking to try and get my point out. I can't really stop talking. Usually my sentences in long tangents kind of trail off into oblivion, ending often with a "so yeah," "you know," "if that makes any sense" etc. "If that makes any...
  14. Stella


    (I tried to be all clever and use Tik Tok's lyrics but it failed.) Today with more chaos.
  15. Stella

    Decipher letters

    Which cat in Guatemala owns ten mice feet? hdywkag