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Recent content by digits

  1. D

    Working Until You Die

    Concentrated wealth can and does orchestrate prices. Look at energy, food and education prices, just before an election.
  2. D

    Working Until You Die

    So true, the tranfer of costs, health, psychological, financial to the masses to ensure wealth accumulation of less than 1% of living beings, like a vacuum cleaner aware of all valuables in our pockets. All the while, the few orchestrate narratives that encourage division and relativistic...
  3. D


    I have become more decisive in time due to an increased awareness of my true self and corresponding core values, coupled with a relative disregard for outside opinion associated with my core value decisions. To embrace continuous improvement towards perfectionism, essentially as a service to...
  4. D

    Working Until You Die

    Awfully cryptic...I entertained the idea that you were to share insightful theory. Instead I receive this response, which either serves as a derisive penis joke, or perhaps something remotely less offensive, if I were to be offended anyway. Please elaborate, or provide theory. I may muster a...
  5. D

    Working Until You Die

    Have at it, I am all ears.
  6. D

    Working Until You Die

    The depravity of the legacy wealth individuals who engage in this behavior is not new. Egypt had it via a religious class, who leveraged this against pharaohs for comfort and largess in exchange for not negatively adjusting the narrative to the masses, the French of course had the bourgeoisie...
  7. D

    Working Until You Die

    I donot see it as a panacea, just the best hope at mitigation from destruction that the whole has in the tool box. Concentrated wealth silently acquires and manipulates media, healthcare (USA), retirement benefits (via congressional influence) and so much more. These encroachments can be...
  8. D

    Working Until You Die

    Extreme concentrated wealth is an enemy of quality of life and democracy for the whole. That said, removal of all concentrated wealth is an affront to meritocracy; meritocracy is a primary motivator, which breaths vitality into our system. Regulation and minimum standards are crucial levers...
  9. D

    Working Until You Die

    I learned a valuable lesson in my teen years after attending a church service. DO NOT STEP OFF THE CURB TO GO TO THE PARKING LOT OR YOU WILL GET UNAPOLOGETICALLY RUN OVER.
  10. D

    Working Until You Die

    I believe the French system had retirement age at 55. Due to zero birth rate, and anti-immigrant sentiment, the French government has a sustainability problem. I view the US retirement issue differently. Our immigration is robust. Our healthcare system is vastly inferior to most nations...
  11. D


    Our society values material utility, over many forms of value which INFJ's deeply consider in most all processes. There is a reasonable limit on detail in some instances, such as a business environment. Most business schools train their students to become decisive in the face of limited...
  12. D

    Jordan Peterson

    Pearls to swine....
  13. D

    Jordan Peterson

    I am seeking to get to the heart of the matter, not evade your inquiry on religious foundation. I will share some of the influences on my thinking, though it is likely apparent from my writings thus far. There is no order of magnitude here. Zorastrianism from the perspective of good vs. evil...
  14. D

    Jordan Peterson

    I am gravely concerned with concentrated, legacy wealth. That said, I have a more balanced perspective, in that without meritocracy, humans do not seem inclined to be as productive or quality conscious. Absolutism, Feudalism, Autocracy and wealth imbalance erodes qulity of life for all. The...
  15. D

    Jordan Peterson

    LOL. You are seriously asking an INFJ this question. A dot connecting composition, coupled with my own ideas to try to thwart hate, even in the smallest of ways. All the while, trying very hard to maintain an energy level with which to function day to day. Religion, literature, cultural...