Recent content by Caspers | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Caspers

  1. C

    The Birth Order Predictore

    You Are Likely an Only Child While this is wrong, it's accurate in the personality bit. I was an only child for 9 years, so much of the "way of being" an only child is in me. I've not even been a sibling for half of my life yet - no chance to adapt!
  2. C

    MBTI quiz with a twist.. (Know your Minority Types!)

    49% INFJ 18% INTJ 8% INTP 6% INFP 5% ISFP That INTJ keeps worming it's way into retakes of the Myers-Briggs. Still doesn't fit me. Confusing.
  3. C

    Would you have a relationship with another INFJ?

    INFJ woman, I can't imagine it. I would definitely prefer them to have an E or a P. However, I am currently dating an INFJ male. The emotional depth to the relationship is more than I could ever ask for, and as reading previous posts it seems to be what separates most mirror relationships...
  4. C

    INFJ's darker side and anger

    I love it.
  5. C

    25 Struggles INFJs Will Understand

    #6, I don't really agree. Haven't fooled anyone into thinking I'm an extrovert. #21, I'd agree completely, though. Good list.
  6. C

    Image Based Personality Test

    Somewhat accurate. I don't know how much order is actually in my life, but in an ideal situation I would prefer it. The Organized Philanthropist You need order in your life. You prefer to focus on one thing at a time, and when doing so you're very efficient. You're modest, kind and have an...