8kat | INFJ Forum


I discovered your site googling Pluto. I have received the Heirophant card several times lately and so have begun to open up more to random (ha ha) teachers passing by. Notably, in the last two days, Caroline Casey and Anne Lamott. I have studied astrology casually for thirty years. I took classes but tend to self-identify re astrology for better or worse. By your definition I am definitely a Plutonian and it is such a relief to find others. I am married, 25 years after two difficult early marriages. I have two beautiful grown children and 7 1/2 stunning grandchildren. I got my first degree at 27 in Fine Arts and have always made things but didn't get a masters because I had children and no money. At 40 I got a Master's in counseling and worked with children/teenagers for 23 years as a therapist. Now I am retired for work and redefining. I am an INFJ. I am a Libra with a Taurus moon and Virgo ascendant. Pluto sextile Sun, Uranus trine Sun, Neptune conjunct Sun. Pluto conjunct Saturn in the twelfth house square Jupiter, Mercury, Mars in Scorpio in the third house. Venus in late Scorpio conjunct the nadir(2 Sag) opposite the moon. Saturn is now sitting in my third on top of my mercury mars/saturnpluto square. obviously I have been cringing and I supposed Jupiter said, let's lossen her up because with transitting Jupiter square my son, our house partially flooded on my birthday.
I like to cook, sew, draw, paint, write, read, and laugh a lot. I have found laughter is the only medicine for being Plutonian. Anyway. there you have it

Relationships, intuition, making things, invention, politics, healing
Oct 13, 1946 (Age: 77)
Conceived despite diaphragm, two months after my parents were married. mother 21, father 27 and in military (wwII)
father overseas when i was born. both parents extremely anxious and unprepared for parenting. mother did not receive much parenting herself and both parents skipped adolesence growing up during the depression. think there was some sexual abuse in first two years but only body memories, recovery beginning in early 80's after Pluto conjuncted my Sun. Most helpful therapy was DanceMeditation, intensive for 20 years. Dropped out of college ( u of texas) summer of '66 after sniper shot a lot op people on campus. dropped out, got high, eloped. eventually moved to a different state, went back to school and got a degree in Fine Arts. Mid 70's, Uranus conjunct my sun...revelations that continue. In 70s married again, moved to another state while husband went to school, had another child, divorced extremely harsh during Pluto/Sun transit. Custody battles. Moved back to home state. During 80's went back to school, married again, this time a keeper, have stayed in same town, worked as therapist for 20 or so years. At same time, making things, developing a website for things I make and selling some things in a friend's shop. also, doing some painting, drawing, whatever. additionally, making jewelry this whole time. I process while I make things so the things I make tend to pile up because I'm no good at marketing. Currently, home is undergoing some needed renovations, taking up flooring and replacing it. Earlier this year we redid bathrooms in our old house. I 'm feeling satisfied on many levels, with my family and relationships. but feeling a pull to do something else and as yet i don't know what. part of why i'm here right now
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
love /relationship on every level
books/opportunity to learn
pencil and paper
sustenance of home
What would be your epitaph?
not sure right now.. something healing